Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 in Review

Greetings from Iowa,

As 2018 draws to a close, I thought I would pass along some highlights of this year.

August 2018 we hit a new high for visitors at 11,287 for one month.

We've had some new countries show up in the last couple of weeks - Moldova, Colombia & the Philippines.

General Overview-

Pageviews Today
Pageviews yesterday
Pageviews last month
Pageviews all time history

Top Posts -

Feb 12, 2011, 1 comment

Apr 9, 2011, 3 comments

Sep 19, 2012, 4 comments
Oct 8, 2016





Countries - 

United States-110953
Unknown Region-9232
United Kingdom-2014

Grandbaby #2 is due in February.   I'm super excited.  I get to be there when she's born & she's only going to be 5 minutes away compared to my first grand baby who's 3.5 hours away.  

News on the vaccine scene is coming fast & furious.   It's super hard to keep up with it.  

Until next time,


Saturday, August 18, 2018

One Chair


First off let me start by apologizing.   This year has spiraled out of control.   My daughter was in a bad car accident back in January.   Followed by knee surgery in February.   She got married in July & her & her husband are expecting their first child come February.    I'm super excited to have a grand baby that is only 5 minutes away.

Now, onto the topic at hand. 

A few years ago before I graduated from the local community college, they had a display come thru our campus.    They had a chair for each victim that died as a result of domestic violence in Iowa.   Our prof for my sociology class wanted us to read each sign on the chair that talked about that particular victim, what happened to them & sometimes their age.   About halfway thru the display I started getting upset as I reached the end, I was irate. 

Why you ask?   This display was to show us how serious domestic violence is.   I asked the prof where are the chairs for the victims of vaccine injuries?   Where are the chairs for those who have died after vaccination?  Her response - that isn't as prominent as this.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way discounting the victims of domestic violence.   The stories are sad & the children that were killed along the way is also heartbreaking. 

I later gave a talk about the dangers of vaccines & shed a whole new light on their dangers.

Recently, there was a display of shoes at the capital building in DC.  7,000 pairs of shoes for the number of killed by gun violence.

A chair for each victim of vaccine injury &/or death.  I searched the VAERS database for cases.  666.883 cases came up.   It is estimated that only 1% of adverse events are reported .   So that means, 99% go unreported.

So, the real number of adverse events is around 66.688,300.

As you look at this chair, imagine this was 66 plus million chairs.  Does this make more of an impact?  Does this make you look at vaccination differently if you are on the pro vax side of the fence?

Do you really believe that vaccine injuries are still 1 in a million?  To date $3.97 BILLION has been paid out for vaccine injuries.    Big pharma hasn't paid this out, pediatricians haven't paid this out.   We, the taxpayers are thru a tax for each vaccine given.

 Keep looking at that chair & think about how much space 66 plus million would take.   How many people would it take to set them up?   How long would it take?

I can't even begin to imagine. 

Until next time,


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Recommending a youtube video


Just a quick blip today.   Planning my daughters wedding is taking up all of  my free time.   I've been watching a youtube video tonight & I would like to pass it on to my readers. 

This video can also be purchased from .

Until after my daughters wedding.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Rest of the Story

Greetings from a very wintery Iowa,

We've gotten about 6 inches of snow overnight.  I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere today. 

I"ve been watching youtube videos today & came across this one.

Thank you Dr. Wakefield.

Until next time,


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Chicago Med episode refuted


How many of you watched this weeks Chicago Med about an unvaccianted child?   I just got done watching it & there are quite a few mistakes in it.

Let the refutations begin -

1.  A sick child holding a 2 month old?   Ok, who in their right mind lets a sick child hold a baby?   Or let a sick adult hold a baby?   The baby's mom shouldn't have let it happen.   The sick child's mom shouldn't have let it  happen.   There have been a couple of occasions where I was sick & I had the opportunity to get a baby fix.   I turned it down because I didn't want to get the baby sick.    If I'm not feeling well, I don't make the 4 hour drive to my sons house to spend time with my grandson.

2.  The unvaccinated child & his dad are asked to leave the ER waiting room.   The unvaccinated child is playing with other kids at a kids table.   His dad & the unvaccinated child are ordered to leave the ER area.  The unvaccianted child is exhibiting no signs of illness & has to leave the ER.  Unvaccinated children pose no risk to other kids. 

This is a Harvard Immunologist.   She shows in this video how unvaccinated kids pose no risk to anybody.

3.   The doctor who started the anti vaccination movement has been thoroughly debunked.   This is in reference to Dr. Wakefield.  Did Dr. Wakefield start the anti vax movement?    Absolutely not.    The anti vax movement started way back in the late 1800s. 

This is from an anti vax publication in 1895.

And this is from 1902.

You also need to remember that Dr. Wakefield & his 12 co authors never said vaccines cause autism.   What the conclusion of the study was We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described. Virological studies are underway that may help to resolve this issue.

And there are at least 28 studies that have replicated what Dr. Wakefield & his co authors found in that famous paper.

So, whenever you see antivaxers degraded on TV.    Do a little bit of research, you can usually debunk what they're saying with a little bit of homework.

Until next time,


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Who's allergic to Thimerosal? Please raise your hand

Greetings from a very wintery Iowa,

Almost a year ago I started working in a chemical plant in shipping.  I see a lot labels come thru my area.  Some of the products are low toxicity & some are very toxic.  Products that are very toxic require special packaging when it comes to shipping.  They have to be inside a plastic bag with an absorbent pad inside the bag.  Padding is placed around the products in the box & stickers are placed  are on the box as the toxicity of the products in the box.

Products that contain mercury have a Skull & Bones diamond on them.  The label looks very similar to this label.

As I've explained in blog entries before, Thimerosal is 50% mercury.  It's been touted by the CDC, FDA & the WHO as a safe ingredient in vaccines.  However, is this true?  What does the science say?

Let's take a look at the toxicity of Thimerosal.

The LD 50 means LD50 is an abbreviation for “Lethal Dose 50%.” The LD50 value for a chemical is the amount of chemical that can be expected to cause death in half (50%) of a group of a particular animal species when the chemical enters the body by ingestion or skin absorption. The amount required to cause death is normally related to body weight: therefore, the LD50 is expressed in milligrams of chemicals per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg). A typical LD50 statement includes the substance, the route of entry, and the animal species; as shown below:

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Thimerosal: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 75 mg/kg [Rat]. 91 mg/kg [Mouse].

II. Hazard Identification: Classification of The Substance Or Mixture According to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [EU-GHS/CLP]: 

Acute toxicity, Inhalation (Category 2)
 Acute toxicity, Dermal (Category 1) 
Acute toxicity, Oral (Category 2) 
Acute aquatic toxicity (Category 1)
 Chronic aquatic toxicity (Category 1)

On a table, where does this toxicity lie?

Table 1: Toxicity Classes: Hodge and Sterner Scale
 Routes of Administration 
  Oral LD50Inhalation LC50Dermal LD50 
Toxicity RatingCommonly Used Term(single dose to rats) mg/kg(exposure of rats for 4 hours) ppm(single application to skin of rabbits) mg/kgProbable Lethal Dose for Man
1Extremely Toxic1 or less10 or less5 or less1 grain (a taste, a drop)
2Highly Toxic1-5010-1005-434 ml (1 tsp)
3Moderately Toxic50-500100-100044-34030 ml (1 fl. oz.)
4Slightly Toxic500-50001000-10,000350-2810600 ml (1 pint)
5Practically Non-toxic5000-15,00010,000-100,0002820-22,5901 litre (or 1 quart)
6Relatively Harmless15,000 or more100,00022,600 or more1 litre (or 1 quart)

Even a bottle of Thimerosal has the Skull & Bones symbol on it along with the word toxic.

As you can see on the table, Thimerosal is very toxic.  According to the MSDS sheet, long term exposure can lead to health issues- 

A few months ago, my work place had a flu shot clinic.   It was totally voluntary.   The form that was sent via email said that if you are allergic to Thimerosal you shouldn't get the shot.  Who isn't allergic to mercury?  When I received the email from HR that this was going to take place I replied back with the toxicity of the flu shot along with the MSDS sheet for Thimerosal.  The guy heading it up replied back that he wanted me in his office at 8 am the next morning.   I sent him the email at about 1 am.   (I work 2nd shift)  I did talk to him when I came in & got blown off on the mercury content of the flu shot.  
I said that products in our plant that contain mercury have a skull & bones on them.  Why are you allowing employees to be injected with mercury?   His response?   That is your opinion.   Seriously?   I've been researching the dangers of vaccines for almost 30 years & that is my opinion?
A few weeks ago we had a safety meeting. We were told if we see something, say something.  So, I had the msds sheet for thimerosaal brought up on my phone & went to talk to the head of the safety after the meeting.   Again, I brought up the mercury content of the flu shot.   Again, I was poo poo'ed off.   One of the HR people told me to come see her in her office to talk about this. 
After our lunch break that night, I was standing with the rest of my co workers waiting to do our stretching before getting back to work.   The second shift lead came to me & told me that I was wanted in the HR office.  My response - Here we go.  His response was it's not bad.
I went into the office fully prepared to be fired or at least a reprimand of some sort.  In her hands was an article from this blog.   You have to be invited to see her blog, I haven't been invited to see it but you can see the first 7 myths that she attacks in this article.
I asked her about the content of mercury in the products of the plant & how they are treated as highly toxic.  She said they aren't the same thing.  As you saw above, Thimerosal is toxic.
She went onto to tell me about some workers work with cadmium in the plant & they are periodically tested to make sure levels are within certain levels.   She then looked me in the eye & said "We would never do anything to endanger our associates."  
I knew at that point anything I had to say was going to fall on deaf ears.  I didn't want to risk my job by setting her straight in person.   It was total frustration to deal with someone who seemed to open minded but so closed at same time.
Until next time,
