Friday, February 21, 2025

The Blood Supply isn't safe, especially now

Greetings Readers, I've held off on this article for almost 3 years but recently a study came out that that showed that there was biomarkers in blood from Pfizer/Moderna Covid vaccinated individuals. The time has come to expose another chapter of my husband's cancer story.

First here is the study -

I'm looking for the link to the actual study. When I find it, I will be posting the link in this blog entry.

What this means basically is that biomarkers/proteins from the Pfizer & Moderna Covid vaccines are being seen in the blood of a Covid vaccinated person. The Red Cross is insisting this isn't possible. I post on their Facebook posts often saying their blood supply isn't safe. That the vaccine never enters the bloodstream. Where are antibodies built?

Another chapter-

Every Monday, blood work was done to see where the cancer patients were in their numbers. Hemoglobin, PSA # & the Ferritin count were the ones they were mainly looking at. The weekend before March 14th, I fed my husband iron rich meals, lots of spinach, lots of red meat & some other iron rich foods. We needed his Hemoglobin count to be high for the blood test on Monday.

Monday morning we got to the clinic shortly before 9 am. We prayed for good numbers. The nurses called him back & I followed him back. They did a weight check in, then had him sit down in the chair. His PICC line dressing was changed, they drew blood for an Ozone treatment & drew blood for the weekly labs. I said another prayer in silence that it would come back better than last week.

The next day, the doctor told us that his hemoglobin was too low to continue without blood. The hospital that the clinic was working with talked to the Red Cross. The Red Cross stated that due to Covid, their resources were best used for community blood rather than directed blood. I was the perfect match. We had the same blood type, the same back deforemity, even the same antibiotic allergy. They stood firm, it had to community blood. My husband asked me when we got back to our hotel room that afternoon if I knew of anyone in the blood center to help us out for directed blood. I told him I hadn't worked in the blood center for almost 33 years. Everyone I knew would either be dead or long since retired. I begged him again not to take the blood but he held firm that it was his decision.

He received 2 pints of blood on Wednesday, March 16th. The blood looked a little thick, I asked the nurse in the infusion center about it & she said it was normal. My thoughts were already racing.....he is getting tainted blood.

On Friday, March 18th, they took blood out for an Ozone treatment. His blood was slightly darker than it was on Monday when they took blood out. AFter they hooked him up to his first treatment of the day, we made our way to the IV suite for the short day. They brought in the treated blood and got it started. After all the blood had drained in, I noticed white strands in the blood bag. I asked the nurse what are those? She said she didn't know. I wish now that I would've taken a pic of them. I was a little tired to think about that. I've had many people call me a liar that this really didn't happen!

His demeanor changed after getting the blood too. More grumpy, canterous & irritable. I chalked it up to the cancer. It's the cancer talking.

On Saturday, March 26th, I had to rush him to the ER when I tried to encourage him to get outside. A CT scan showed that the cancer had exploded throughout his torso. The adrenal glands were involved. The lymph nodes had swollen so badly that they were blocking the blood supply to his lungs. A blood clot the size of a quarter was in the upper lobe of his left lung. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the term Turbo cancer & how many people who have gotten the Covid jab are now being diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and dead within months if not weeks. I know of a teen that died within 24 hours of diagnosis.

Twenty seven days after he got the blood, he was gone. We were making headway on the cancer. His liver function was restored. His PSA had dropped from 13,000 to just below 8900. His Ferritin level had dropped from 8900 to just below 6700.

I spent 2 hours on the phone with the Red Cross about 2 weeks after his death. I was bounced from department from department. They didn't want to talk to me. I finally got ahold of someone who wanted to talk. They repeatedly told that the blood supply was safe and what I saw was impossible, it couldn't have happened. I told them it did happen and they need to separate out the blood for people who don't want vaxxed blood, they said it wasn't possible to do that since they don't ask the donors their vaccine status. I reiterated the events and the again said, it couldn've have happened. I finally hung up in frustration.

I've seen some other cases of this happening.

It's hard to believe that it will be 3 years come April that my husband has been gone. The pain is still there but I've learned to carry the pain better.

I'm working on a huge article regarding Vaccines & Autism. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the month.

To your health,