Saturday, October 5, 2019

HPV Vaccine Injury Videos


I'm still healing from my world being torn apart 9 months ago.  I'm still in shock.  I'm attending a Christian based Divorce support group & it's helping to a point but it doesn't help with an empty home.   It's just me, my 5 huskies & a bunny.  Please continue to pray for me, our 2 kids & our 2 grandkids as you are led. 

At the Autism one conference this year, I attended 30 hours of seminars strictly talking about the HPV vaccine.  This vaccine should have never seen the consumer market. 

Here are some videos I highly recommend, this first one is based from Denmark, its called The Vaccinated Girls . 

The next 3 are youtube videos -

A doctor from Colombia said that 1200 girls got the HPV vaccine, over 800 of them have life long debilitating illness.  Many have committed suicide because of the pain of their illness.

I have many pages of notes to go thru to put into a blog entry or several entries.  A boy from Iowa died as a result of the HPV vaccine.  It's documented in his file that the HPV vaccine caused ADEM, listed as a side affect of the vaccine insert.   Dr. Paul Offit had the audacity to tell the boys father that the neurosurgeon was wrong in the diagnosis. 

His website is here - Christopher Bunch  .

Until next time,
