Tuesday, January 18, 2022
How has Covid affected you?
Greetings from Iowa,
As Covid & the various varients circle the globe, the news headlines say fear, fear, fear. I've NEVER feared this virus this entire time, not even when I got sick with it 15 months ago. YHVH tells us 365 times in the bible to Fear not. I think that is pretty strong message to not fear.
I had Covid 15 months ago. It was a bad respiratory illness. (I've had worse) When I had a fever, my joints felt like they were in a vice & someone was trying to tighten the vice down continually. That first night I was screaming because the pain was so bad. I finally gave in about 3 am the next morning to ease the pain & so I could get some sleep.
I ordered some D3 & mega dosed for 2 weeks, I had it beat in 5 days. 150,000 IU daily for 2 weeks. I have a lingering cough that has been slowly going away since then.
My husband always said he was bullet proof & that this virus wasn't going to take him down. Well, he should have been move careful about what he said. Towards the end of April of 2021, he started to come down sick. He continued to work. At our wedding in May, he was really sick but was bound determined that we were not going to change our wedding date. We got married on May 16, 2021. Three days later he went to our local clinic to get checked out. He tested positive for Covid & he also had double pneumonia. Nine plus months later he is still fighting the pneumonia. He has lost 15 lbs. (he didn't have 15 to lose) He is very anemic. We tried the allopathic method & it wasn't getting us anywhere. He is neubulizing Collodial Silver now & we have Copper hydrosol coming so he can neubulize that as well.
How many of you have been affected by the vaccine? Whether personally or thru a family memmber? I'm sad to say that 7 family members have been negatively affected by the vaccine. We tried to educate them about the dangers but ultimately they decided the benefit outweighed the risk.
Three family memebers have been injured by the vaccine. One injury was a blood clot that developed in his leg & the doctors thought they were going to have to amputate his leg. Fortunately it didn't happen......but he still promotes others to get it. I don't get it. The other 2 members haven't put the pieces together.
I have four family members that have been adversely affected by the vaccine. One got sick from all 3 shots, the 3rd one really got them & now they have tested positive for Covid. One family member got sick after the 2nd & 3rd one. Two got sick after the 3rd one.
Our church has written about 560 religious exemption letters & only one has been rejected so far. They have gone all over the US, Canada & six went down to Australia. (It took 4 weeks to get there)
If your employer is saying employees have to get the shot or lose their job. Get a group of you together & stand together. More than likely the employer will stand down. This has been happening with many companies around the US.
Stand strong. Fauci's narrative is slowly falling apart. I highly recommend you ready Robert Kenney Jr's book - The Real Anthony Fauci. Fauci is drunk on power. It's time to give him a major reality check & tell him no more. This pandemic is over when people say no to more testing. Say no to vaccines & no to mask mandates. It's time to say enough is enough.
Until next time,
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