Wednesday, December 15, 2021
A Miracle happened tonight
Greetings from a wild & crazy Iowa,
Many of you know about the tornadoes that hit Kentucky & other states. Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri & Illinois are getting hit tonight.
Among the chaos of these storms, a miracle occurred. And I'm so glad it did.
I've been hobbling around our house with a surgical boot the last couple of days. I have a dancers break of my right pinkie toe. Technically, I should be having surgery to put pins in to stabilize it. We don't have insurance, so we are going the boot route for the next 8 weeks hoping the bone will mend without help.
I can walk 5 mph, having to walk at a pace of less than 1 mph is beyond frustrating.
Anyway, the miracle that occurred tonight happened out of the blue. I was upstairs in our bedroom folding clothes. All of the sudden I hear nothing. Now I know what you are thinking, why would this be a surprise? I've had tinnitus in both ears......very loud tinnutis. If the TV volume was on level 30, I could hear the tinnutis above that. It followed me into my sleep even with the fan blowing for white noise.
It's pure heaven to hear silence. To beautiful. 11 years.......8 months.......16 days of constant ringing is gone.
My tinnitus was the last one. Imagine hearing every 24/7/365.
Now I don't hear anything.
I am working on an article about Covid. The genocide is growing daily & the media & the public is ignoring it daily.
Until next time,