As I posted earlier, I said that I would be giving a seminar on vaccine dangers at the Feast of Tabernacles. Here is the link to the power point that I used.
If you would like to hear the seminar, here is the link.
Scroll down to Sept. 29th. & look for Vaccines - Are they for Christians today?
The seminar is about an hour long. I hope you enjoy listening to it & following along with the power point.
Til Next Time,
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
250......This is a big number. 250 year is a quarter of a millinium. 50 is a jubilee year, so 250 would be 5 jubilee years. 50 represents power & celebration in the bible. In 250 BC, in the city of Alexandria, the old testament was translated into Greek. There are 250 prime numbers in base 10.
I'm sure you are asking yourself right now, what does all of this have to do with health or vaccines. Well, in doing some research this past week, I came across a very interesting article that talks about the flu shot & came across this statement.
"Each of these flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury, a mercury content of 50,000 part per billion, 250 times more than the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit. Mercury is a neurotoxin, with a toxicity level 1,000 times that of lead."
We hear how older homes with lead paint(alligator scales) should be cleaned of the toxins. The medical profession tells pregnant moms don't eat too much fish during your pregnancy because of the mercury content BUT yet they want to inject exhorbant toxic levels of mercury into pregnant moms & small children.
Every year we hear that 36,000 people will be killed by the flu. But in reality, this number is around a 1,000 or less. The CDC has admitted that is falsifying these numbers to "sell" the flu shot.
Last year, the H1N1 vaccine was the big hype. H1N1 was hyped up to be a pandemic by the WHO & was said to below those levels this year. Only 1/3 of the U.S. was vaccinated against the H1N1 but at what cost? Many children died after getting the vaccine, many more were injured. But there is one startling statistic that isn't making the headlines. The miscarriage rate among women who get the H1N1 vaccine has increased 700%! That is a phenomenal number.
It says right in the insert that comes with the vaccine that is hasn't been tested on pregnant women nor is it known if it will affect a womans fertility but yet this is being pushed on women who are most vulnerable. They are told they will face complications or death if they don't take the shot. But, they are NOT given all the facts about this vaccine. They are told the risks if they don't take it but they are not being the told the risks if they do take it. Long term studies haven't been done on vaccines. They follow a person for 4 days following a vaccine study, if no reaction they say its good. But what about a week, a month, a year, a decade or 50 years later? What has that person gone thru during the time frame following getting that shot?
Using the CDCs own data, it has been shown that the death rate from the flu has gone up as the number of flu shots are going up.
I know what many of you are saying right now, how can I stop from getting sick? We're inside with family & friends quite a bit this time of year. We're not getting much time in the sun. It has been shown that Vitamin D3 is 800% more effective in preventing the flu than the flu shot.
I'm sure that article wowed a few of you. You're asking, how can they get away with it? Easy, big pharma has deep pockets, they have the power to hide what they want. Now I'm sure your next question is, how much D3 do I need to take? The following chart is what Dr. Mayer Eisenstein ( recommends -
D3 can be found at Wal-Mart, GNC or at any vitamin supplement supplier. I recommend these as I think they are the best on the market.
I hope I've given you some food for thought. Please pass this blog along to anyone who you think might benefit from this info. In closing, I'm going to post a link to a slide quoting what Dr. Mendelsohn said about vaccines. He was a doctor that quit giving vaccines back in the early 70's & a professor at the University of Chicago Medical School.
Til Next Time, I hope this has been a blessing for you.
I'm sure you are asking yourself right now, what does all of this have to do with health or vaccines. Well, in doing some research this past week, I came across a very interesting article that talks about the flu shot & came across this statement.
"Each of these flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury, a mercury content of 50,000 part per billion, 250 times more than the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit. Mercury is a neurotoxin, with a toxicity level 1,000 times that of lead."
We hear how older homes with lead paint(alligator scales) should be cleaned of the toxins. The medical profession tells pregnant moms don't eat too much fish during your pregnancy because of the mercury content BUT yet they want to inject exhorbant toxic levels of mercury into pregnant moms & small children.
Every year we hear that 36,000 people will be killed by the flu. But in reality, this number is around a 1,000 or less. The CDC has admitted that is falsifying these numbers to "sell" the flu shot.
Last year, the H1N1 vaccine was the big hype. H1N1 was hyped up to be a pandemic by the WHO & was said to below those levels this year. Only 1/3 of the U.S. was vaccinated against the H1N1 but at what cost? Many children died after getting the vaccine, many more were injured. But there is one startling statistic that isn't making the headlines. The miscarriage rate among women who get the H1N1 vaccine has increased 700%! That is a phenomenal number.
It says right in the insert that comes with the vaccine that is hasn't been tested on pregnant women nor is it known if it will affect a womans fertility but yet this is being pushed on women who are most vulnerable. They are told they will face complications or death if they don't take the shot. But, they are NOT given all the facts about this vaccine. They are told the risks if they don't take it but they are not being the told the risks if they do take it. Long term studies haven't been done on vaccines. They follow a person for 4 days following a vaccine study, if no reaction they say its good. But what about a week, a month, a year, a decade or 50 years later? What has that person gone thru during the time frame following getting that shot?
Using the CDCs own data, it has been shown that the death rate from the flu has gone up as the number of flu shots are going up.
I know what many of you are saying right now, how can I stop from getting sick? We're inside with family & friends quite a bit this time of year. We're not getting much time in the sun. It has been shown that Vitamin D3 is 800% more effective in preventing the flu than the flu shot.
I'm sure that article wowed a few of you. You're asking, how can they get away with it? Easy, big pharma has deep pockets, they have the power to hide what they want. Now I'm sure your next question is, how much D3 do I need to take? The following chart is what Dr. Mayer Eisenstein ( recommends -
D3 can be found at Wal-Mart, GNC or at any vitamin supplement supplier. I recommend these as I think they are the best on the market.
I hope I've given you some food for thought. Please pass this blog along to anyone who you think might benefit from this info. In closing, I'm going to post a link to a slide quoting what Dr. Mendelsohn said about vaccines. He was a doctor that quit giving vaccines back in the early 70's & a professor at the University of Chicago Medical School.
Til Next Time, I hope this has been a blessing for you.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Small Pox – The dirty little secret behind its appearance in America
We've all heard the stories that vaccination caused Small Pox to be eradicated from the face of the earth. That the WHO organization declared it gone in 1980. But why was this disease in America in the first place? Why was George Washington in such a hurry to get his troops vaccinated against this disease when there was a good chance they might not survive the procedure? Lets take a look behind the scenes by going back 200 BC & then coming forward to the Revolutionary War.
Inoculation originated in China or India in 200 BC. A Buddhist nun practiced vaccination around 1022-1063 AD. She ground up scabs from Small Pox patients & then blew the powder into the nostrils of a person in hopes that this would vaccinate the person against this dreaded disease that would leave people horribly scarred & disfigured.
The origins of small pox is thought to be in Africa which then spread to India & China thousands of years ago. The first recorded small pox outbreak was in 1350 during the Egyptian-Hittite war. Epidemics occurred in the North American colonies during the 17th & 18th centuries. During one time frame, Small Pox was a major disease in every country except for Australia & a few isolated islands.
In the late 1700's, the idea of vaccination was new & untested.
The concept of immunization received a big boost in 1796 from a Dr. Edward Jenner after he inoculated a young boy in England. Jenner would take pus from a sick cow, then using a lancet, he would cut wounds into an arm of a patient & then rub the pus into the person to try to immunize them against smallpox by infecting them with cowpox which is similar to smallpox. The patient was then exposed to small pox 6 weeks later, the person didn't get sick.
In Chapter 6, we heard about that the soldiers were inoculated against small pox & if they survived the procedure, they would be put into battle. I wonder how many in the class knew what this meant? And why was there a rush to inoculate the troops all of a sudden against small pox. How did Small Pox get here when it was only found in Africa, China & India? After doing some research, I came across some disturbing finds.
The British used small pox during the French-Indian War in 1763 to gain the upper hand in the war. The British then was vaccinating civilians & then sending them out among the troops. When a person was vaccinated against Small Pox, they were contagious for 2 weeks. This is common knowledge to this day as our military troops are vaccinated against Small Pox but are told to stay away from their families for 2 weeks so that they don't infect anyone. When a person is given the Flu Mist, they are communicable for 3 weeks. We have to wonder why is the government giving vaccines to people when they know they can spread the disease for a period of time afterward?
The risks from being vaccinated against Small Pox were great. When you got sick right after being vaccinated, you got a fever, you could be sick for up to 2 weeks & contagious for 2-3 weeks. The military usually said a 2nd round of vaccination was necessary, so the troops had to go thru the sickness a 2nd time. This is why it is said in the book, IF the troops survived the vaccination they would be put into battle. Vaccination wasn't mandatory but it was highly recommended since Small Pox was so rampant at the time & the fatality rate was high.
The troops were vaccinated for 2 reason. The first reason was that soldiers could easily contract small pox from each other & from the civilians they were among. The second reason was that the British used Small Pox as a weapon during the French Indian war in 1763.
A letter from British Commander Sir Jeffrey Amherst said, “Couldn't it be contrived so send Small Pox to the disaffected tribes of Indians? We must use every strategy to reduce their numbers.”
In the Book, Pox Americana by Elizabeth Fenn, pointed out that “130,000 Americans lost their lives to Small Pox.”
During the great epidemic of Smallpox in 1721, about half of the 12,000 residents in Boston came down sick with Small Pox. The fatality rate was 14%. The fatality rate among vaccinated individuals was 2%.
Washington was aware of what the British had done in 1763, announced that all letters from Boston had to be dipped in vinegar to kill any Small Pox germs that were on the letters.
The Pennsylvania Gazette published this statement, “Lord Cornwallis' attempt to spread Small Pox among the citizens of York must render him contemptible in the eyes of every civilized nation.”
Depending how virulent the Small Pox strain was, the death rate could be anywhere from 25-40%. There was a childhood version of small pox that wasn't as deadly but provided life long immunity against Small Pox. This version of Small Pox was only seen in Europe. It never made its way to the Americas.
Some of the reasons why death from small pox among the soldiers was so high was the sick & healthy fought side by side. Conditions were so bad that a barn was converted to hospital. One soldier said that he saw inch long maggots crawl out of fellow soldiers ear one morning. Many soldiers suffered from dysentery. Finally it was heroic medicine that the soldiers didn't need that really led them downhill quickly, being bled & poisoned.
It was led to believe that if you cut a person & drained some of their blood, that this would cure them of their sickness. But it wasn't known back then that a person could die from having so much blood drained from them. Since sanitary conditions were so horrible back then, I can imagine that infections were high too since amputations were a common occurrence when a soldier was injured on the battlefield. Doctors used a form of mercury to try to cure sickness. Mercury is a neurotoxin & in high dosages can impair brain function. When George Washington was on his death bed, his doctors were treating him with blood letting & mercury to try to cure his sore throat. But in actuality he probably died from either blood loss or mercury poisoning.
Morris Bealle, author of the Drug Story wrote this about the Small Pox death rate. For children under the age of 5, it was 75 kids for every 100 kids infected. By the 1800s, that number was reduced to 41 & by 1914 that number was reduced to 14. Thanks to better sanitation. We learned in the book that poor people lived in unsanitary conditions. That sewage ran in the streets, many lived with 2-6 families in one home. Whereas the rich had running water & could get away from the heat.
That is history of Small Pox in a nutshell. Most of the history of this disease lies in England & Europe goes back centuries. This disease now lies dormant in a vial in a few labs around the country. The DNA has been tested & it is different from the Small Pox that killed off so many thousands of people in the late 1700 & 1800s. It doesn't resemble the disease that was called cowpox, monkey pox or camel pox. Many labs don't even know what they have.
I shudder to think that virus will come & kill so many again if it falls into the wrong hands again......
History of Vaccines
How Smallpox Inoculations Helped Win the American Revolution
The History of Smallpox
Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and Vaccination
The History of Medicine - The Revolutionary War
Inoculation originated in China or India in 200 BC. A Buddhist nun practiced vaccination around 1022-1063 AD. She ground up scabs from Small Pox patients & then blew the powder into the nostrils of a person in hopes that this would vaccinate the person against this dreaded disease that would leave people horribly scarred & disfigured.
The origins of small pox is thought to be in Africa which then spread to India & China thousands of years ago. The first recorded small pox outbreak was in 1350 during the Egyptian-Hittite war. Epidemics occurred in the North American colonies during the 17th & 18th centuries. During one time frame, Small Pox was a major disease in every country except for Australia & a few isolated islands.
In the late 1700's, the idea of vaccination was new & untested.
The concept of immunization received a big boost in 1796 from a Dr. Edward Jenner after he inoculated a young boy in England. Jenner would take pus from a sick cow, then using a lancet, he would cut wounds into an arm of a patient & then rub the pus into the person to try to immunize them against smallpox by infecting them with cowpox which is similar to smallpox. The patient was then exposed to small pox 6 weeks later, the person didn't get sick.
In Chapter 6, we heard about that the soldiers were inoculated against small pox & if they survived the procedure, they would be put into battle. I wonder how many in the class knew what this meant? And why was there a rush to inoculate the troops all of a sudden against small pox. How did Small Pox get here when it was only found in Africa, China & India? After doing some research, I came across some disturbing finds.
The British used small pox during the French-Indian War in 1763 to gain the upper hand in the war. The British then was vaccinating civilians & then sending them out among the troops. When a person was vaccinated against Small Pox, they were contagious for 2 weeks. This is common knowledge to this day as our military troops are vaccinated against Small Pox but are told to stay away from their families for 2 weeks so that they don't infect anyone. When a person is given the Flu Mist, they are communicable for 3 weeks. We have to wonder why is the government giving vaccines to people when they know they can spread the disease for a period of time afterward?
The risks from being vaccinated against Small Pox were great. When you got sick right after being vaccinated, you got a fever, you could be sick for up to 2 weeks & contagious for 2-3 weeks. The military usually said a 2nd round of vaccination was necessary, so the troops had to go thru the sickness a 2nd time. This is why it is said in the book, IF the troops survived the vaccination they would be put into battle. Vaccination wasn't mandatory but it was highly recommended since Small Pox was so rampant at the time & the fatality rate was high.
The troops were vaccinated for 2 reason. The first reason was that soldiers could easily contract small pox from each other & from the civilians they were among. The second reason was that the British used Small Pox as a weapon during the French Indian war in 1763.
A letter from British Commander Sir Jeffrey Amherst said, “Couldn't it be contrived so send Small Pox to the disaffected tribes of Indians? We must use every strategy to reduce their numbers.”
In the Book, Pox Americana by Elizabeth Fenn, pointed out that “130,000 Americans lost their lives to Small Pox.”
During the great epidemic of Smallpox in 1721, about half of the 12,000 residents in Boston came down sick with Small Pox. The fatality rate was 14%. The fatality rate among vaccinated individuals was 2%.
Washington was aware of what the British had done in 1763, announced that all letters from Boston had to be dipped in vinegar to kill any Small Pox germs that were on the letters.
The Pennsylvania Gazette published this statement, “Lord Cornwallis' attempt to spread Small Pox among the citizens of York must render him contemptible in the eyes of every civilized nation.”
Depending how virulent the Small Pox strain was, the death rate could be anywhere from 25-40%. There was a childhood version of small pox that wasn't as deadly but provided life long immunity against Small Pox. This version of Small Pox was only seen in Europe. It never made its way to the Americas.
Some of the reasons why death from small pox among the soldiers was so high was the sick & healthy fought side by side. Conditions were so bad that a barn was converted to hospital. One soldier said that he saw inch long maggots crawl out of fellow soldiers ear one morning. Many soldiers suffered from dysentery. Finally it was heroic medicine that the soldiers didn't need that really led them downhill quickly, being bled & poisoned.
It was led to believe that if you cut a person & drained some of their blood, that this would cure them of their sickness. But it wasn't known back then that a person could die from having so much blood drained from them. Since sanitary conditions were so horrible back then, I can imagine that infections were high too since amputations were a common occurrence when a soldier was injured on the battlefield. Doctors used a form of mercury to try to cure sickness. Mercury is a neurotoxin & in high dosages can impair brain function. When George Washington was on his death bed, his doctors were treating him with blood letting & mercury to try to cure his sore throat. But in actuality he probably died from either blood loss or mercury poisoning.
Morris Bealle, author of the Drug Story wrote this about the Small Pox death rate. For children under the age of 5, it was 75 kids for every 100 kids infected. By the 1800s, that number was reduced to 41 & by 1914 that number was reduced to 14. Thanks to better sanitation. We learned in the book that poor people lived in unsanitary conditions. That sewage ran in the streets, many lived with 2-6 families in one home. Whereas the rich had running water & could get away from the heat.
That is history of Small Pox in a nutshell. Most of the history of this disease lies in England & Europe goes back centuries. This disease now lies dormant in a vial in a few labs around the country. The DNA has been tested & it is different from the Small Pox that killed off so many thousands of people in the late 1700 & 1800s. It doesn't resemble the disease that was called cowpox, monkey pox or camel pox. Many labs don't even know what they have.
I shudder to think that virus will come & kill so many again if it falls into the wrong hands again......
History of Vaccines
How Smallpox Inoculations Helped Win the American Revolution
The History of Smallpox
Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and Vaccination
The History of Medicine - The Revolutionary War
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Into the lions den
I'm sure many of you have heard them advertised on TV, driving my your local Walgreens you see that they are available, there is even a gift card available for them now.
What am I referring to? The annual flu shot has arrived at your local pharmacies & clinics. They tell you that they are safe & effective. BUT, are they?
When I was in the local Walgreens this week, I decided to go into the lions den & get the information regarding the flu vaccine. I went to the pharmacist & asked if I could get the pamphlet that came with the flu shot. She tried to give them store info sheet that they give to recipients of the vaccine. I told her I wanted the insert that came with the vial that they are supposed to give to patients when they get the shot. She gave me a questioning look & then went to the refrigerator to get the sheet.
In section 17 of the insert, it says that patients should be informed by their health care provider of risks & benefits of immunizations. When you hear about the risks, you hear about swelling at the injection site, redness & possible fever. Maybe even some dizziness & headaches.
What about the risks of mercury? I'm sure many of you have been led to believe that all mercury has been removed from vaccines. This is NOT true. Many childhood vaccines have trace amounts, even 3 mcg is believed to be a "trace" amount.
The flu shot can contain trace amounts in the pre-filled syringe. But multi-dose vial has 25 mcg of Thimerosal, which is 50% mercury.
According to EPA standards, a person shouldn't be exposed to more than .1 mcg of mercury per kilogram of body weight, approx. 2.2 lbs. This means that a person would have to weigh more than 275 lbs. to get that much mercury in one shot.
I've asked this question to the CDC in Washington, D.C. & the local Dept. of Health WHY they allow this much mercury in shot when its a toxic dose. I have yet to hear from either one of them of this issue.
I read thru the whole insert & highlighted the areas that I believe to be important, especially how much mercury is in the vaccine & how it affects pregnant women, which is unknow.
Here are the links below to parts of the insert.
This vaccine hasn't been tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for the impairment of fertility.
WHAT in the world are we doing to ourselves?? The flu shot last year said that is hadn't been tested for fertility impairment either.
We need to stop trusting the CDC, FDA, the Health & Human Services commission & our local Dept. of Health to have our best interests when it comes to our health. We need to do our own homework & get things figured out.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see people line up like sheep, roll up their sleeves & blindly receive the shot without getting all of the facts. I educate as I can. If I see someone looking at allergy or cold medicines, I will ask them if I can suggest something & then lead them over to where the Vit. D3 is in the store & explain to them how it works & how it will do them more good than what they were looking at.
We have a freedom right now to choose our own plan of action when it comes to our health. Lets be pro-active & get ahead of the game before that freedom is taken away from us someday.
Have a GREAT week.
What am I referring to? The annual flu shot has arrived at your local pharmacies & clinics. They tell you that they are safe & effective. BUT, are they?
When I was in the local Walgreens this week, I decided to go into the lions den & get the information regarding the flu vaccine. I went to the pharmacist & asked if I could get the pamphlet that came with the flu shot. She tried to give them store info sheet that they give to recipients of the vaccine. I told her I wanted the insert that came with the vial that they are supposed to give to patients when they get the shot. She gave me a questioning look & then went to the refrigerator to get the sheet.
In section 17 of the insert, it says that patients should be informed by their health care provider of risks & benefits of immunizations. When you hear about the risks, you hear about swelling at the injection site, redness & possible fever. Maybe even some dizziness & headaches.
What about the risks of mercury? I'm sure many of you have been led to believe that all mercury has been removed from vaccines. This is NOT true. Many childhood vaccines have trace amounts, even 3 mcg is believed to be a "trace" amount.
The flu shot can contain trace amounts in the pre-filled syringe. But multi-dose vial has 25 mcg of Thimerosal, which is 50% mercury.
According to EPA standards, a person shouldn't be exposed to more than .1 mcg of mercury per kilogram of body weight, approx. 2.2 lbs. This means that a person would have to weigh more than 275 lbs. to get that much mercury in one shot.
I've asked this question to the CDC in Washington, D.C. & the local Dept. of Health WHY they allow this much mercury in shot when its a toxic dose. I have yet to hear from either one of them of this issue.
I read thru the whole insert & highlighted the areas that I believe to be important, especially how much mercury is in the vaccine & how it affects pregnant women, which is unknow.
Here are the links below to parts of the insert.
This vaccine hasn't been tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for the impairment of fertility.
WHAT in the world are we doing to ourselves?? The flu shot last year said that is hadn't been tested for fertility impairment either.
We need to stop trusting the CDC, FDA, the Health & Human Services commission & our local Dept. of Health to have our best interests when it comes to our health. We need to do our own homework & get things figured out.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see people line up like sheep, roll up their sleeves & blindly receive the shot without getting all of the facts. I educate as I can. If I see someone looking at allergy or cold medicines, I will ask them if I can suggest something & then lead them over to where the Vit. D3 is in the store & explain to them how it works & how it will do them more good than what they were looking at.
We have a freedom right now to choose our own plan of action when it comes to our health. Lets be pro-active & get ahead of the game before that freedom is taken away from us someday.
Have a GREAT week.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Presenting in Illinois
Just a short blog entry this time.
I will be doing a presentation at the Feast of Tabernacles on Vaccines - Are they for Christians today?
I will be covering the chemicals, heavy metals & other toxins that are in vaccines. What does the bible say about vaccines? (got you thinking?) What are the safe alternatives to vaccines? I'll also have a Q&A session afterwards.
I will be speaking on Wednesday, Sept.29th., from 10:15-11:15, at the Grizzly Bear Resort, Utica, IL in the Joliet Room.
Have a great weekend,
I will be doing a presentation at the Feast of Tabernacles on Vaccines - Are they for Christians today?
I will be covering the chemicals, heavy metals & other toxins that are in vaccines. What does the bible say about vaccines? (got you thinking?) What are the safe alternatives to vaccines? I'll also have a Q&A session afterwards.
I will be speaking on Wednesday, Sept.29th., from 10:15-11:15, at the Grizzly Bear Resort, Utica, IL in the Joliet Room.
Have a great weekend,
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Easy Weightloss
The U.S. is the biggest consumer of weight loss products but yet we are the most obese nation in the world. Why is that?
Look at the ingredients of weight loss products, most of them contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. The FDA will tell you that the body processes this ingredient no differently than regular sugar. This is false. It processes it differently & stores in in the body as fat, it doesn't use it for energy. 90% of the food you see in grocery stores today have high fructose corn syrup in them.
So, what is the number one way to get rid of fat? Don't eat or drink foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. If you've seen the commercials for Losing it with Jillian (Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser), she says the same thing. I went thru our pantry & got rid of all the foods with high fructose corn syrup in it. Manufacturers are seeing that consumers don't want food with this ingredient in it & are starting to make foods without it, like Log Cabin pancake syrups & Hunt's Ketchup with their no High Fructose Corn Syrup Ketchup. Which if I may say, is the best ketchup I've ever tasted.
There are many diets out there for us to try. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Hcg, Atkins, SlimFast, South Beach, Mediterranean, raw foods, etc. Depending on your budget, you may or may not be able to afford any of these & continue to struggle with weight loss or gain. Also, many can't afford a gym membership so this becomes a hurdle too.
So, what is an easy way to lose weight & stay within your budget? Well, after a lifelong batter with my own weight & seeing MANY members of my family in the same boat. I decided to take some info from one diet & some from another diet. Add in a little bit of will power & some good old fashioned sweat to see if it could be done.
I did it. I've lost 8.5 pounds in one week. How did I do it you may ask? Well, here is how I did it.
First off, I had to find my Calories burned at rest. Meaning, how many calories do I need just to sit here & read my computer screen. This also showed how many calories I needed just to maintain my current weight. I then could figure out how many calories I needed to take in each day to lose X amount of pounds per week. After searching all over the web, I came across the link below.
This had all the info I needed to give me a plan for losing weight. You input male or female, height & current weight. It then tells you how many calories you burn at rest, caloric intake to maintain your current weight, your current activity level & the calories taken in per day to either lose weight or gain weight. Even tho it told me to only take in 1,144 calories per day to lose 2.25 pounds per week, this daily caloric intake that I'm doing is resulting in a bigger weight loss. Which is a good thing.
Now, many foods tell you on the package that a number of ounces or grams is X amount of calories. What about chicken, beef & turkey? Nutritionist will tell you the size of a deck of cards. Well, there are 2 different sizes of a deck of cars. You have your regular playing cards or if you play UNO like I do, you have a deck of cards of over 100 cards. So, after more searching, I found this website that will tell you the calories in many foods & you can adjust the the portion size to what fits you best. There is a free membership & a paying membership. I've always been able to use the free membership.
Its not just calories in, calories out. Your calories out needs to be GREATER than your calories in order to lose weight. Not only do you need to count calories BUT you also need to keep a food journal & keep track of everything you eat & the number of calories you take in each day so that you are sure you stay within your caloric budget. This makes for some difficult decisions when we want to eat our favorite foods, especially if its a special day during the week. Like I keep the Sabbath on Saturday & we have all sorts of goodies that are put out on this day. I have to make sure that I stay within my intake budget, even on the Sabbath.
Now, by now many of you are saying, diets are great but the biggest thing to overcome is the hunger between meals. Yes, this is hurdle BUT with will power & seeing the big picture & a little help from a ingredient our bodies are mostly made of, the hunger problem isn't that big of an issue.
You need to drink water & lots of it. The following info comes from the Hcg diet. You need to take your body weight & divide it by 2. This is how many ounces of water you should be taking in each day. Now some of you are looking at that number & saying, that is a LOT of water. What about water toxicity? The first few days that you are drinking that much water, you might get a headache or feel a little water logged, I know I did. BUT, it will pass. Now, if I don't drink that much water each day, I feel dehydrated. Some days I drink more than that because of I'm out doing my walking. As long as your are going to the bathroom, you shouldn't have any water toxicity problems.
Now, I just mentioned walking. There are various types of walks. There is a leisurely stroll, a quicker walk & then there is power walking. This is a fast deliberate walk in which you cover a good distance in a short amount of time. I do the power walking 6 days a week. I cover 2.5 miles in about 25 min. I take our dog with me since he also carrying a few extra pounds. My route for my power walking also goes by a number of neighborhood dogs so he learns to ignore them & concentrate on just walking or in his case its a trot for him.
If this rate continues, if I can stay with my will power & see the big picture at the end of the tunnel. Which in this case, is a new wardrobe & replacing our 25+ year old mattress set. I should be done to my goal weight by the end of July. YEAH!
Til next time friends,
Look at the ingredients of weight loss products, most of them contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. The FDA will tell you that the body processes this ingredient no differently than regular sugar. This is false. It processes it differently & stores in in the body as fat, it doesn't use it for energy. 90% of the food you see in grocery stores today have high fructose corn syrup in them.
So, what is the number one way to get rid of fat? Don't eat or drink foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. If you've seen the commercials for Losing it with Jillian (Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser), she says the same thing. I went thru our pantry & got rid of all the foods with high fructose corn syrup in it. Manufacturers are seeing that consumers don't want food with this ingredient in it & are starting to make foods without it, like Log Cabin pancake syrups & Hunt's Ketchup with their no High Fructose Corn Syrup Ketchup. Which if I may say, is the best ketchup I've ever tasted.
There are many diets out there for us to try. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Hcg, Atkins, SlimFast, South Beach, Mediterranean, raw foods, etc. Depending on your budget, you may or may not be able to afford any of these & continue to struggle with weight loss or gain. Also, many can't afford a gym membership so this becomes a hurdle too.
So, what is an easy way to lose weight & stay within your budget? Well, after a lifelong batter with my own weight & seeing MANY members of my family in the same boat. I decided to take some info from one diet & some from another diet. Add in a little bit of will power & some good old fashioned sweat to see if it could be done.
I did it. I've lost 8.5 pounds in one week. How did I do it you may ask? Well, here is how I did it.
First off, I had to find my Calories burned at rest. Meaning, how many calories do I need just to sit here & read my computer screen. This also showed how many calories I needed just to maintain my current weight. I then could figure out how many calories I needed to take in each day to lose X amount of pounds per week. After searching all over the web, I came across the link below.
This had all the info I needed to give me a plan for losing weight. You input male or female, height & current weight. It then tells you how many calories you burn at rest, caloric intake to maintain your current weight, your current activity level & the calories taken in per day to either lose weight or gain weight. Even tho it told me to only take in 1,144 calories per day to lose 2.25 pounds per week, this daily caloric intake that I'm doing is resulting in a bigger weight loss. Which is a good thing.
Now, many foods tell you on the package that a number of ounces or grams is X amount of calories. What about chicken, beef & turkey? Nutritionist will tell you the size of a deck of cards. Well, there are 2 different sizes of a deck of cars. You have your regular playing cards or if you play UNO like I do, you have a deck of cards of over 100 cards. So, after more searching, I found this website that will tell you the calories in many foods & you can adjust the the portion size to what fits you best. There is a free membership & a paying membership. I've always been able to use the free membership.
Its not just calories in, calories out. Your calories out needs to be GREATER than your calories in order to lose weight. Not only do you need to count calories BUT you also need to keep a food journal & keep track of everything you eat & the number of calories you take in each day so that you are sure you stay within your caloric budget. This makes for some difficult decisions when we want to eat our favorite foods, especially if its a special day during the week. Like I keep the Sabbath on Saturday & we have all sorts of goodies that are put out on this day. I have to make sure that I stay within my intake budget, even on the Sabbath.
Now, by now many of you are saying, diets are great but the biggest thing to overcome is the hunger between meals. Yes, this is hurdle BUT with will power & seeing the big picture & a little help from a ingredient our bodies are mostly made of, the hunger problem isn't that big of an issue.
You need to drink water & lots of it. The following info comes from the Hcg diet. You need to take your body weight & divide it by 2. This is how many ounces of water you should be taking in each day. Now some of you are looking at that number & saying, that is a LOT of water. What about water toxicity? The first few days that you are drinking that much water, you might get a headache or feel a little water logged, I know I did. BUT, it will pass. Now, if I don't drink that much water each day, I feel dehydrated. Some days I drink more than that because of I'm out doing my walking. As long as your are going to the bathroom, you shouldn't have any water toxicity problems.
Now, I just mentioned walking. There are various types of walks. There is a leisurely stroll, a quicker walk & then there is power walking. This is a fast deliberate walk in which you cover a good distance in a short amount of time. I do the power walking 6 days a week. I cover 2.5 miles in about 25 min. I take our dog with me since he also carrying a few extra pounds. My route for my power walking also goes by a number of neighborhood dogs so he learns to ignore them & concentrate on just walking or in his case its a trot for him.
If this rate continues, if I can stay with my will power & see the big picture at the end of the tunnel. Which in this case, is a new wardrobe & replacing our 25+ year old mattress set. I should be done to my goal weight by the end of July. YEAH!
Til next time friends,
Sunday, May 2, 2010
BPPV Update
Wow, what a month. I've had 3 physical therapy treatments. The first one wasn't so bad, some dizziness with the movements designed to move the crystals out of the area where they are causing problems. The 2nd treatment was horrible. The room was spinning at times & one time when she sat me up, I felt like I was falling. The sensations were only supposed to last a few seconds, one lasted quite a few minutes. The 3rd one only resulted in a few episodes that only lasted a few seconds.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
She said this could happen again in 6-18 months OR it could never occur again. I'm hoping its beyond the 6 month range since we will be in Illinois for the Feast of Tabernacles at the 6 month mark. Going to the ER while you are at the feast is NO FUN for anyone involved.
Working on a few health topics.
The Sun, sunblock lotion & skin cancer - What is the link?
Our toxic environment
Microwaves - How harmless are they?
My research class I took February thru March has really opened up a new relm of possibilities of topics & deeper research. I look forward to diving into these topics & typing up an article.
Til next time,
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
She said this could happen again in 6-18 months OR it could never occur again. I'm hoping its beyond the 6 month range since we will be in Illinois for the Feast of Tabernacles at the 6 month mark. Going to the ER while you are at the feast is NO FUN for anyone involved.
Working on a few health topics.
The Sun, sunblock lotion & skin cancer - What is the link?
Our toxic environment
Microwaves - How harmless are they?
My research class I took February thru March has really opened up a new relm of possibilities of topics & deeper research. I look forward to diving into these topics & typing up an article.
Til next time,
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
BPPV - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
The days leading up to Passover on March 31st were hectic. Stressing in trying to get the house cleaned up, checking & double checking my guest list, trying to condense 5 workdays into 3 & planning the meal to be served that evening.
When I went to bed on the 30th, I never dreamed that the next morning would just about derail the whole day.
I set my alarm for 6:15 am. This would give me time to finish cleaning my kitchen & do a little baking for the Passover meal. During the short time my daughter would be in school, I could pick up a few things I needed from the store.
The alarm went off at 6:15, I rolled over to grab my cell phone (which was my alarm clock) & the room starting spinning instantly & the waves of nausea were unbearable. I staggered to the bathroom (about 20 feet from our bedroom) to splash cold water on my face, no help. I then made my way back to the bedroom, grasping door frames, chairs & whatever else could help me stay in an upright position. I collapsed back on the bed to try to gain some sort of control, again no help. The waves of nausea were becoming stronger & I had to run back to the bathroom to throw up. This continued for several hours. My hands, arms, legs & feet were cold & clamy but my core temp was normal.
I usually avoid the doctor like the plague but I knew if I didn't get any help soon that Passover would be a bust. My son drove me to the emergency room where I was I given Zofran for the nausea & Meclizine for the dizziness. After an hour, I could move around a little, as long as I didn't move too fast, without getting dizzy. I was finally discharged after being there for 2 1/2 hours.
The diagnosis - BPPV - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Basically what I've been told is that a certain population have crystals in their ears & that these crystals move up to a point in the ear & start stimulating the hair in the ear. This affects our balance & how our body feels in relation to our position.
Physical therapy, an exercise in movement to try to get the crystals down where they need to be OR to get the body used to the new position is an option for some. I start physical therapy on Thursday to try this exercise.
I visited my chiropracter last week & he found 3 vertebrae out of place. 2 in my upper back & 1 in my neck. When he pressed on the one in my neck it was instant pain. He said that was the one that was causing my vertigo problem. He popped it back into place & the room started spinning again. He said he would take a few minutes for it to clear up & not to drive home until I see clearly. (took about 20 minutes for things to clear up enough to head home)
I can drive but I have to be careful when I'm looking in both directions to check for traffic or to look to see if someone is sitting in blind spot if I'm changing lanes. The last 2 weeks of work have been interesting. I'm good for about 3 hours, anything beyond that & I start getting dizzy & sick to my stomach.
I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal life. With my busy lifestyle, I don't have time to be "down".
Til Next Time,
When I went to bed on the 30th, I never dreamed that the next morning would just about derail the whole day.
I set my alarm for 6:15 am. This would give me time to finish cleaning my kitchen & do a little baking for the Passover meal. During the short time my daughter would be in school, I could pick up a few things I needed from the store.
The alarm went off at 6:15, I rolled over to grab my cell phone (which was my alarm clock) & the room starting spinning instantly & the waves of nausea were unbearable. I staggered to the bathroom (about 20 feet from our bedroom) to splash cold water on my face, no help. I then made my way back to the bedroom, grasping door frames, chairs & whatever else could help me stay in an upright position. I collapsed back on the bed to try to gain some sort of control, again no help. The waves of nausea were becoming stronger & I had to run back to the bathroom to throw up. This continued for several hours. My hands, arms, legs & feet were cold & clamy but my core temp was normal.
I usually avoid the doctor like the plague but I knew if I didn't get any help soon that Passover would be a bust. My son drove me to the emergency room where I was I given Zofran for the nausea & Meclizine for the dizziness. After an hour, I could move around a little, as long as I didn't move too fast, without getting dizzy. I was finally discharged after being there for 2 1/2 hours.
The diagnosis - BPPV - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Basically what I've been told is that a certain population have crystals in their ears & that these crystals move up to a point in the ear & start stimulating the hair in the ear. This affects our balance & how our body feels in relation to our position.
Physical therapy, an exercise in movement to try to get the crystals down where they need to be OR to get the body used to the new position is an option for some. I start physical therapy on Thursday to try this exercise.
I visited my chiropracter last week & he found 3 vertebrae out of place. 2 in my upper back & 1 in my neck. When he pressed on the one in my neck it was instant pain. He said that was the one that was causing my vertigo problem. He popped it back into place & the room started spinning again. He said he would take a few minutes for it to clear up & not to drive home until I see clearly. (took about 20 minutes for things to clear up enough to head home)
I can drive but I have to be careful when I'm looking in both directions to check for traffic or to look to see if someone is sitting in blind spot if I'm changing lanes. The last 2 weeks of work have been interesting. I'm good for about 3 hours, anything beyond that & I start getting dizzy & sick to my stomach.
I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal life. With my busy lifestyle, I don't have time to be "down".
Til Next Time,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Plastics - How toxic are they?
Plastic - Its all around us. A lot of childrens toys are made out of plastic. We store our food in it, whether it be on the table or in the refrigerator & freezer. We drink liquids from it & we eat off of it. We even put food that is stored in plastic into the microwave to "heat" it up to eat it. The microwave is a whole blog topic on its own.
Lets look at each type of plastic & its toxicity.
#1 plastic - Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE)
Uses: 2 liter soda bottles, cooking oil bottles, peanut butter jars.
This plastic was LONG considered to be one of the safest plastics to use as it was BPA (Bisphenol A). But, is this still true?
In a review done by Leonard Sax, PETE may leach endocrine disrupting phthalates. He considered evidence that the antimony from PET containers may lead to endocrine-disrupting effects.
Under what conditions do these chemicals leach into the product that is stored in them? Here is a list of "conditions" in which these chemicals are released into the product.
-Phthalates leach from the plastic into lower pH products such as soda & vinegar more readily than into bottled water
-Temperature also appears to influence the leaching both of phthalates (& antimony), with greater leaching at higher temperatures
-Combining both variations of low PH & high-heat exposure could result in an even higher leaching of phthalates
-Variations in the composition & manufacture of PET may also influence the leaching of these substances into the contents of the bottle. PET is typically a homopolymer, but some copolymers are also categorized as PET (copolymers have been found to be less vulnerable to degredation, thus leaching less)
Mr. Sax concludes that the evidence suggests PET bottles may yield endocrine disruptors under conditions of common use, particularly with prolonged storage and elevated temperature. Because of the widespread use of PET plastic worldwide, more research is needed to clarify how PET containers may be contaminated by endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
#2 Plastic - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Uses: detergent bottles, milk jugs.
This HDPE is one of the safer (notice I didn't say safest) & strongest plastic there is. Its opaque & harder for a reason, to withstand sunlight longer & last longer.
In researching this plastic, I was unable to find any real hazards. Of the 3 dozen or so articles I read, only 1 said that they took a drink from a #2 plastic & the drink tasted strongly of plastic.
Many articles showed that if you are going to have a water bottle, that a #2 water bottle is the way to go. As it replaces a #1 plastic that might leach chemicals into the liquid.
However, you want to avoid the Nalgene bottles made of Lexan that are more colorful. I did find one article in which it talked about BPA being leached into the liquid from this type of plastic. The article recommended going with a #2 type of plastic.
#3 Plastic - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Uses: plastic pipes, outdoor furniture, shrink wrap, water bottles, salad dressing & liquid detergent containers.
This is the most toxic form of plastic known to man. But yet, it is commonly used in homes today as plumbing. My husband used to work with PVC quite a bit. But since we have learned the toxicity of this plastic, we go with the more expensive plastic called "pex" which I will talk about later in this article.
Have you ever worked with PVC? Have smelled the fumes that come from the glue that is used to glue the joints together? I have many times in the past & usually got a nasty headache from it. I wonder why? Because PVC is 10-12 times more toxic than any other plastic out there. When PVC burns, it releases hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid it is a highly corrosive, strong mineral acid and has major industrial uses. Do you really want to be showering or drinking water that has come from a pipe that can possibly leach this into the water? The making of PVC in its manufacturing processes consume approximately 30% of the chlorine used in industrial processes and releases many other toxic chemicals, some of which are accumulate in the body. Accumulate in the body? Isn't is bad enough that we have aluminum & mercury that accumulate in the brain as neurotoxins but also chemicals from the manufacturing process of PVC?
It is also a carcinogen, cancer causing. PVC will not break down in the landfills & will leach carcinogenic chemicals into the air, water and soil. Despite these facts, the FDA has approved this plastic to be used for the use in the packaging of our food, our health care products, & our medicines. This is the same branch of government that approves vaccines & the ingredients in them.
Hmmm, maybe its time to rethink many of the things in our lives.
#4 Plastic - Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Uses: dry cleaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners, food storage containers.
Most Tupperware products are made of LDPE or PP (next one to be covered), & as such are considered safe for repeated use storing food items & cycling through the dishwasher. Most food storage products from Glad, Hefty, Ziploc & Saran also pass the test. As far as the generic or non-name brands, I can't say if they are "safe" or not. If there is a consumer safety line on the box, I would be calling to see what the "base" plastic is & go from there.
#5 Plastic - Polypropylene (PP)
Uses: bottle caps, drinking straws & Yogurt cups.
This is a robust plastic that is heat resistant considered highly safe for human use. Because of its high heat tolerance, Polypropylene is unlikely to leach even when exposed to warm or hot water. This plastic is approved for use with food & beverage storage. Polypropylene plastics can be re-used safely & with hot beverages.
Again this is one of the "safer" plastics. (notice not safest)
#6 Plastic - Polystyrene (PS)
Uses - packaging pellets or "Styrofoam peanuts," cups, plastic tableware, meat trays, to-go "clam shell" containers.
When I was going thru our plastic containers around the house about a year ago, I was surprised to see how many #6 plastics I had around the house, including styrofoam plates & bowls, Solo cups for picnic & camping use & some of the plastic glasses we had. All of them went into the garbage & I just recently found a few more way back in the cupboard.
Polystyrene contains the toxic Styrene which is labeled a possible human carcinogen by the EPA. When you are drinking out of a styrofoam cup, have you ever tasted the plastic in the liquid or let your tongue touch the cup & taste the plastic that way? #6 plastics leaches styrene into food & drink. This is definitely another off limits plastic.
#7 Plastic - Other
Uses: certain kinds of food containers & Tupperware
Believe it or not there are 2 different kinds of #7 plastics. One is environmentally friendly & the other is not. The environmentally friendly one is the kind you can use & the one that is not environmentally friendly can be a conglomeration of any of the plastics listed above.
However, I have not been able to find any environmentally friendly #7 plastics. I read several articles for this portion of my blog & one article said that the jar was listed a #7 plastic because it had a #1 interior & a #7 exterior, therefore it got a #7 designation. How in the world does that work?
Now, there is another plastic out there that doesn't have any of these designations. Its called Pex. For the articles I read on this, no known contaminants were leached into the water systems. It seems this is a safer (not completely safe) alternative to plumbing in the home & general use. It is hard but not as hard as PVC as it can be manipulated somewhat for the use you need. We plan on using this in the garage that we are building in the backyard this summer.
Here are a few links to my resources for this article.
'Til next time,
Lets look at each type of plastic & its toxicity.
#1 plastic - Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE)
Uses: 2 liter soda bottles, cooking oil bottles, peanut butter jars.
This plastic was LONG considered to be one of the safest plastics to use as it was BPA (Bisphenol A). But, is this still true?
In a review done by Leonard Sax, PETE may leach endocrine disrupting phthalates. He considered evidence that the antimony from PET containers may lead to endocrine-disrupting effects.
Under what conditions do these chemicals leach into the product that is stored in them? Here is a list of "conditions" in which these chemicals are released into the product.
-Phthalates leach from the plastic into lower pH products such as soda & vinegar more readily than into bottled water
-Temperature also appears to influence the leaching both of phthalates (& antimony), with greater leaching at higher temperatures
-Combining both variations of low PH & high-heat exposure could result in an even higher leaching of phthalates
-Variations in the composition & manufacture of PET may also influence the leaching of these substances into the contents of the bottle. PET is typically a homopolymer, but some copolymers are also categorized as PET (copolymers have been found to be less vulnerable to degredation, thus leaching less)
Mr. Sax concludes that the evidence suggests PET bottles may yield endocrine disruptors under conditions of common use, particularly with prolonged storage and elevated temperature. Because of the widespread use of PET plastic worldwide, more research is needed to clarify how PET containers may be contaminated by endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
#2 Plastic - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Uses: detergent bottles, milk jugs.
This HDPE is one of the safer (notice I didn't say safest) & strongest plastic there is. Its opaque & harder for a reason, to withstand sunlight longer & last longer.
In researching this plastic, I was unable to find any real hazards. Of the 3 dozen or so articles I read, only 1 said that they took a drink from a #2 plastic & the drink tasted strongly of plastic.
Many articles showed that if you are going to have a water bottle, that a #2 water bottle is the way to go. As it replaces a #1 plastic that might leach chemicals into the liquid.
However, you want to avoid the Nalgene bottles made of Lexan that are more colorful. I did find one article in which it talked about BPA being leached into the liquid from this type of plastic. The article recommended going with a #2 type of plastic.
#3 Plastic - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Uses: plastic pipes, outdoor furniture, shrink wrap, water bottles, salad dressing & liquid detergent containers.
This is the most toxic form of plastic known to man. But yet, it is commonly used in homes today as plumbing. My husband used to work with PVC quite a bit. But since we have learned the toxicity of this plastic, we go with the more expensive plastic called "pex" which I will talk about later in this article.
Have you ever worked with PVC? Have smelled the fumes that come from the glue that is used to glue the joints together? I have many times in the past & usually got a nasty headache from it. I wonder why? Because PVC is 10-12 times more toxic than any other plastic out there. When PVC burns, it releases hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid it is a highly corrosive, strong mineral acid and has major industrial uses. Do you really want to be showering or drinking water that has come from a pipe that can possibly leach this into the water? The making of PVC in its manufacturing processes consume approximately 30% of the chlorine used in industrial processes and releases many other toxic chemicals, some of which are accumulate in the body. Accumulate in the body? Isn't is bad enough that we have aluminum & mercury that accumulate in the brain as neurotoxins but also chemicals from the manufacturing process of PVC?
It is also a carcinogen, cancer causing. PVC will not break down in the landfills & will leach carcinogenic chemicals into the air, water and soil. Despite these facts, the FDA has approved this plastic to be used for the use in the packaging of our food, our health care products, & our medicines. This is the same branch of government that approves vaccines & the ingredients in them.
Hmmm, maybe its time to rethink many of the things in our lives.
#4 Plastic - Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Uses: dry cleaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners, food storage containers.
Most Tupperware products are made of LDPE or PP (next one to be covered), & as such are considered safe for repeated use storing food items & cycling through the dishwasher. Most food storage products from Glad, Hefty, Ziploc & Saran also pass the test. As far as the generic or non-name brands, I can't say if they are "safe" or not. If there is a consumer safety line on the box, I would be calling to see what the "base" plastic is & go from there.
#5 Plastic - Polypropylene (PP)
Uses: bottle caps, drinking straws & Yogurt cups.
This is a robust plastic that is heat resistant considered highly safe for human use. Because of its high heat tolerance, Polypropylene is unlikely to leach even when exposed to warm or hot water. This plastic is approved for use with food & beverage storage. Polypropylene plastics can be re-used safely & with hot beverages.
Again this is one of the "safer" plastics. (notice not safest)
#6 Plastic - Polystyrene (PS)
Uses - packaging pellets or "Styrofoam peanuts," cups, plastic tableware, meat trays, to-go "clam shell" containers.
When I was going thru our plastic containers around the house about a year ago, I was surprised to see how many #6 plastics I had around the house, including styrofoam plates & bowls, Solo cups for picnic & camping use & some of the plastic glasses we had. All of them went into the garbage & I just recently found a few more way back in the cupboard.
Polystyrene contains the toxic Styrene which is labeled a possible human carcinogen by the EPA. When you are drinking out of a styrofoam cup, have you ever tasted the plastic in the liquid or let your tongue touch the cup & taste the plastic that way? #6 plastics leaches styrene into food & drink. This is definitely another off limits plastic.
#7 Plastic - Other
Uses: certain kinds of food containers & Tupperware
Believe it or not there are 2 different kinds of #7 plastics. One is environmentally friendly & the other is not. The environmentally friendly one is the kind you can use & the one that is not environmentally friendly can be a conglomeration of any of the plastics listed above.
However, I have not been able to find any environmentally friendly #7 plastics. I read several articles for this portion of my blog & one article said that the jar was listed a #7 plastic because it had a #1 interior & a #7 exterior, therefore it got a #7 designation. How in the world does that work?
Now, there is another plastic out there that doesn't have any of these designations. Its called Pex. For the articles I read on this, no known contaminants were leached into the water systems. It seems this is a safer (not completely safe) alternative to plumbing in the home & general use. It is hard but not as hard as PVC as it can be manipulated somewhat for the use you need. We plan on using this in the garage that we are building in the backyard this summer.
Here are a few links to my resources for this article.
'Til next time,