Friday, December 18, 2015

Color Away

Greetings from Chilly Iowa,

You see them just about everywhere.   Walmart, Kmart, Lowe's, your local grocery store, they are among the top sellers on amazon you even find them on ebay & chances are you'll find one under your tree or in your stocking this year.

What am I talking about?  Adult coloring books

As a merchandiser, I put out hundreds of these every week in 3 separate Walmarts in Central Iowa & a Lowe's.    I can't keep them on the shelf.  I think it is absolutely amazing how this has caught on.  I've picked up a few myself & my daughter has gotten into them as well.

But what are the health benefits of coloring?   Truthfully, there are quite a few benefits.

First off, think back to when you were a kid.  You would color & your frustrations with life would magically disappear.  The frustrations would appear on the paper in front of you.   Either as mad scribbles or  a meticulously colored picture.

Studies has shown that coloring is a great stress reliever.  In group discussions it helps people focus, if they fidget quite a bit coloring helps reduce fidgeting & the best part of coloring is that it changes your brainwaves by replacing negative thoughts with something positive.

Coloring also offers an alternative to meditation.  A way to change your world for a time.  I'm sure some of us moms who are stressed by life, work, family & all of the extra curricular activities enjoy a temporary get away from life & escape into a world of color.

Also by coloring, we use both of our cerebral hemispheres to mix & match colors, to use our vision & fine motor skills  .

Psychologist Antoni Martínez  recommends a quiet environment & chill music while coloring.  Personally, I prefer to have 80's music in the background.

Ok, you have your adult coloring books in front of you & the largest box of colored pencils that you can find on the shelf.  You look at the colorless picture in front of you.   Where do you start, what colors do you choose.

This color psychology page gives you a pretty good idea on your personality based on the colors they choose -


  • Associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as we ll as passion, desire, and love.
  • Enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure.
  • It attracts attention more than any other color, at times signifying danger.


  • Combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.
  • Associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics.
  • Represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success,
    encouragement, and stimulation.


  • Associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
  • Produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates
    muscle energy.
  • Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color.
  • When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect.
  • It is known that babies cry more in yellow rooms.
  • Yellow indicates honor and loyalty. Later the meaning of yell ow was connected with cowardice.


  • Color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility.
  • Strong emotional correspondence with safety.
  • Dark green is also commonly associated with money.
  • Has great healing power.
  • Green suggests stability and endurance.
  • Color of the sea. It is often associated with depth and stability.
  • Symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
  • Considered beneficial to the mind and body.
  • Slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect.
  • Strongly associated with tranquility and calmness.
  • Used to symbolize piety and sincerity.


  • Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red.
  • Associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition.
  • Conveys wealth and extravagance.
  • Associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.


  • Associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity.
  • Considered to be the color of perfection.
  • Signifies safety, purity, and cleanliness.
  • Usually has a positive connotation.
  • Can represent a successful beginning.
  • Depicts faith and purity.


  • Associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.
  • A mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown (black holes).
  • Usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, ‘black death’).
  • Denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and    prestigious color.
  • The symbol of grief.

There are many free coloring pages available online thru google images if you don't want to fight the holiday crowds for one of those long sought after coloring books.

Until next time, be happy & color your way thru the holidays,


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Don't ask for permission where none is required

Greetings from snowy Iowa,

As I said in a previous entry I work as a merchandiser.  Yesterday I was putting out magazines at a local Lowe's stores.  The store was holding a flu shot clinic for its employees.

The RTM clerk came back to the receiving area where I was trying to find the mgazines to put out & he was telling everyone to be sure to get their flu shot.  I went over to him & asked "Do you realize how much mercury is in the flu shot?"   He told me it doesn't matter, they are the best things ever made.  I also told him that the death rate from the flu has gone up since the widespread use of the flu shot.  He just laughed & said "When you are dead in the ground from the flu you'll be wishing you would have gotten one."

I laughed & walked away.

As I was up front pulling the magazines, one of the female employees I frequently talk to said she was heading back to get her flu shot.  I asked her if she knew the mercury content.  She didn't & I informed her of the 25 mcg.  She asked for more info & I spent about 10 min telling her about the flu shot.  She then realized that pregnant women are told to get it but restrict their intake of fish because of the mercury.

There were quite a few employees that were listening to our conversation along with customers.

You do not need permission to do your homework before having yourself injected with toxins in the form of vaccines.  You do not need to ask for permission before having your kids injected with toxins in the form of vaccines.

You do not need to ask permission from your doctor to do your homework & do the research before consenting to any sort of treatment - invasive or otherwise.

Don't ask for permission where none is required as said by my favorite health freedom radio host Robert Scott Bell .

Until next time,


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Let's put the flu shot into perspective

Greetings from wintry Iowa,

It's that time of year again.  Get your flu shot to prevent sickness & death from the flu.

How many dutifully go to their doctor or local pharmacy, roll up their sleeve & get this toxic fluid injected into their arm?    How many pregnant women are duped into getting this shot when the insert clearly says not to?

I work as a merchandiser & I frequently have to work in Walgreens.  I watch customers go up to the pharmacy window & request a flu shot.  They aren't told about the mercury content of the shot.  They aren't told about long term affects of the mercury content.  They aren't even told that they still might get sick even after getting the flu shot.

I asked a customer one time "Do you know how much mercury is in the flu shot?"  His response - "Would you rather die from the flu?"   I was just shocked.  You would rather have mercury injected into you than try to prevent it naturally?  I just told him I would rather take my chances.

The death rate from the flu has gone up since the wide spread use of the flu shot.

Look at blue line.   The percentage of people getting the flu shot has gone up.  But what else has gone up?  The number of deaths from flu & pneumonia.

The CDC estimates annually there are 36,000 deaths from the flu.  But they also clump pneumonia in there.  36,000 is a pandemic number.  We do not have a pandemic year of flu every year.

But yet many die as a result of the flu shot, many more are injured.  These people are not collateral damage.  Their lives matter.

Each flu shot contains 25 mcg of mercury.  If a vial of flu shot were to fall onto the floor & break, they would have to call in a hazmat team to clean it up because of the mercury content.  But yet, its ok to inject it into people.

Flu shot inserts

The flu shot can cause Guillian Barre' syndrome.  This is a disorder of the central nervous system.  It's not wonder since mercury is toxic to the nervous system.  Read what the MSDS sheet says about mercury -

 The substance may be toxic to blood, kidneys, liver, brain, peripheral nervous system, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Mercury MSDS sheet

The elderly population are the ones who get the flu shot the most.  Have you noticed that they have memory issues, the shakes & sometimes have a hard time walking?  Perhaps the safety of the flu shot needs to be taken into consideration.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg did a 10 year study from 1970 to 1980.  This study revealed that if you got the flu shot you were 10 times more likely to get the Alzheimer's.  When asked why this happened, this was his response -

"It is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that is in every flu shot. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction.” - See more at:
We hear on the news that all pregnant women are encouraged to get the flu shot because they are more vulnerable to the flu when they are pregnant.

The insert (link above) goes onto say that its unknown if it will affect the baby.  Its also unknown if the shot will afftect the fertility of the mother or the baby.  

I once confronted a doctor about this & she told me they couldn't experiment on moms & kids because of the ethics involved.  (but yet its ok to experiment on them unknowingly)

What does the EPA say about mercury exposure?  The EPA recommends no more than .1 mcg per kilogram of body weight.  Now if you extrapulate out the mercury content of flu shot to EPA guidelines, this would equate out to that a person would have to weigh 550 lbs. to get that much mercury at once.  

How many people do you know that weigh 550 lbs?   I know of a few who are close to that weight but not many.  How many 6 month olds do you know weigh that much?   

So, what can you do to help prevent sickness?  

A 2010 study done in Tokyo showed that taking Vitamin D3 was 800% more effective in preventing the flu than the flu shot.  800%!   That is a big number.  

Why don't we hear about that here in the U.S.?   Big pharma doesn't make big profits off of supplements.  

Stay healthy, stay positive, until next time,


More resources -

Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

Greetings from Iowa,

Recently a unbiased survey was put out on the internet for parents to answer about their childrens health & whether or not they were vaccinated.

Those results are in & the results are astounding.

You can see those results for yourself at this link -

If you would like to answer the survey for your own kids, you can do so at this link.

Until next time,


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Do you think vaccines are safe? Do you think the blood supply is safe? Think again........

Greetings from cold Iowa,

Dr. Judy Mikovits was arrested without probably cause & jailed without bail.  

Her crime - exposing the lies of the CDC & FDA.  

Here is a link to a interview with her & she tells plainly what is going on with vaccines.  She touches on the safety of the blood supply as well.

Its an hour and 15 min. long.   Its well worth it.

Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, 11/22/15

Until next time,


Friday, November 6, 2015

Dr. Wakefield wrote more than just that "one" paper


Many pro vax people blame the anti vaccine movement on Dr. Wakefield & Jenny McCarthy.

Many think that Dr. Wakefield wrote just that "one" paper & therefore he should be considered uncredible.

But the truth of the matter is that Dr. Wakefield has over 70 papers that have been published.  And the only one that has been retracted was the one that Brian Deer smeered him with.

What?   You didn't know about those other papers?   I'm not surprised.

Here is the list of those studies -

Mant TG, Lewis JL, Mattoo TK, Rigden SP, VolansGN, House IM, Wakefield AJ, Cole RS.Mercury poisoning after disc-battery ingestion. HumToxicol. 1987:6:179-81.

Silverman R, Cohen Z, Craig M, Wakefield A, Kim P, Langer B, Levy G. Monocyte/macrophage procoagulant activity (PCA) as ameasure of immune responsiveness in Lewis and Brown Norway inbred rats:discordance with lymphocyte proliferative assays. Transplantation 1989;47: 542-548.

Wakefield AJ, Gordon EM. A huge renal cystpresenting in childhood. Case report and review of the literature. Journalof the Royal Society of Medicine 1989; 82: 443-445.

Kim P,  Wakefield AJ, Cohen Z, Craig M, Levy G. The reversal of cyclosporine mediated suppression of alloantigen induced monocyteprocoagulant activity by H2 antagonists cimetidine and ranitidine invitro. Transplantation Proceedings 1989; 21: 844-847.

Kim P, Wakefield AJ, Cohen Z, Craig M,Levy G. The reversal of cyclosporine mediated suppression of monocyteprocoagulantactivity by H2 antagonists in a rat small intestinal transplantation model. Transplantation Proceedings 1989: 21;2900-2902.

Wakefield AJ, Cohen Z, Craig M, Jeejeebhoy KN, LevyGA. The thrombogenicity of total parenteral nutrition solutions. I: Effect oninduction of monocyte macrophage procoagulant activity. Gastroenterology1989; 97: 1210-1219.

Wakefield AJ, 
Cohen Z, Craig M, Rosenthal A,Gotleib A, Jeejeebhoy KN, Levy GA. The thrombogenicity of total parenteralnutrition solutions. II: Effect on induction of endothelial cell procoagulantactivity. Gastroenterology 1989; 97: 1220-1228.

Wakefield AJ, Sawyerr AM, Dhillon AP, Pittilo RM,Rowles PM, Lewis AAM, Pounder RE. Pathogenesis of Crohn's disease: multifocalgastrointestinal infarction. Lancet 1989; ii: 1057-1062.

Sinclair S, Wakefield AJ, Levy GA Fulminanthepatic failure. Springer Seminars in Immunopathology, (ed) Thomas HC1990; 12: 33-45.

Wakefield AJ, Cohen Z, Levy GA. Procoagulantactivity in Gastroenterology. Gut 1990; 31: 239-242.

Sawyerr AM, Wakefield AJ, Hudson M, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE. The pharmacological implications of leucocyte-endothelial cell interactions in Crohn's disease. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics1991; 5: 1-14.

Wakefield AJ, Dhillon AP, Sawyerr AM, Sankey E,More, L, Sim R, Pittilo RM, Rowles PM, Hudson M, Lewis AAM, Pounder RE. Granulomatous vasculitis in Crohn's disease.Gastroenterology 1991; 100:1279-1287.

Wakefield AJ, Sawyerr AM, Hudson M, Dhillon AP,Pounder RE. Smoking, the oral contraceptive pill and Crohn's disease. Digestive Diseases & Sciences 1991; 36: 1147-1150.

Kelleher J, Wakefield AJ, Gordon I, RansleyP. Renal injury in complete ureteric obstruction: a functional and morphologicalstudy. Urological Research 1991; 19: 245-248.

Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ, Sawyerr AM, Hudson M, Dhillon AP. Pathogenesis of Crohn's disease: granulomatous vasculitis andmultifocal gastrointestinal infarction Proceedings of the Falk Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Disease 1991; 5: 33-38.

Kelleher JP, Shah V, Godley M, Wakefield AJ,Gordon I, Ransley PG, Snell ME, Risdon RA. Urinary endothelium (ET-1) incomplete ureteric obstruction in the miniature pig. Urological Research1992; 20: 63-65.

Wakefield AJ, Fox JD, Sawyerr AM, Taylor JE,Sweenie CH, Smith M, Emery V, Hudson M, Tedder RS, Pounder RE. Detection of herpesvirus DNA in the large intestine of patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease using the nested polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Medical Virology 1992; 38: 183-190.

Wakefield AJ, Hudson M, Pounder RE. Crohn's Conflict (Invited article). Medical Laboratory World 1992; 5: 9-1.

Hudson M, Piasecki C, Sankey EA, Sim R, Wakefield AJ, More LJ, Sawyerr AM, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE. A ferret model of acutemultifocal gastrointestinal infarction.Gastroenterology 1992; 102:1591-1596.

Dhillon AP, Anthony A, Sim R, Wakefield AJ, Sankey EA, Hudson M, Allison MC, Pounder RE. Mucosal capillary thrombi in rectal biopsies. Histopathology 1992; 21: 127-133.

Hudson M, Hutton R, Wakefield AJ, Sawyerr AM, Pounder RE. Evidence for activation of coagulation in Crohn's disease. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 1992; 3: 773-778.

Hudson M, Wakefield AJ, Hutton RA, SankeyEA, Dhillon AP, More L, Sim R, Pounder RE. Factor XIIIa subunit and Crohn's disease. Gut 1993; 34: 75-79.

Wakefield AJ, Hudson M, More L. Procoagulantactivity in gastroenterology. In:Procoagulant Activity in Health andDisease. Eds: Levy GA; Cole EH. CRC Press: Ann Arbor, USA. 1993; 5: 87-110.

SankeyEA, Dhillon AP, Anthony A, Wakefield AJ,Sim R, More L, Hudson M, Sawyerr AAM, Pounder RE. Early mucosal changes inCrohn's disease. Gut 1993; 34: 375-381.

Osborne M, Hudson M, Piasecki C, Dhillon AP, Lewis AAM, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Crohn's disease andanastomotic recurrence: microvascular ischaemia and anastomotic healing in an animal model. British Journal of Surgery 1993; 80: 226-229.

Anthony A, Dhillon AP, Nygård G, Hudson M, Piasecki C, Strong P, Trevethick MA, Clayton NM, Jordan CC, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Early histological features of small intestinal injury induced by indomethacin. Alimentary Pharmacology &.Therapeutics.1993; 7: 29-39.

Wakefield AJ, Pittilo RM, Sim R, Cosby SL,Stephenson JR, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE. Evidence of persistent measles virusinfection in Crohn's disease. Journal of Medical Virology. 1993; 39:345-353.

Smith M, Wakefield AJ. Viral associationwith Crohn's disease: Invited article. Annals of Medicine 1993; 25:557-561.

More L, Sim R, Hudson M, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Immunohistochemical study of tissue factor expression in normal intestine and idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. Journal ofClinical Pathology 1993;46:703-708.

Wakefield AJ, More L, Difford J, McLaughlin JE.Immunohistochemical study of vascular injury in acute multiple sclerosis. Journalof Clinical Pathology 1994; 47: 129-133.

Hudson M, Piasecki C, Wakefield AJ, Sankey EA, Dhillon AP, Osborne M, Sim R, Pounder RE. A vascular hypersensitivity modelof acute multifocal intestinal infarction. Digestive Diseases & Sciences1994; 39: 534-539.

NygårdG, Anthony A, Piasecki C, Trevethick MA, Hudson M, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. Acuteindomethacin-induced jejunal injury in the rat: early morphological andbiochemical changes. Gastroenterology 1994; 106: 567-575.

Mazure G, Grundy JE, Nygård G, Hudson M, Khan K, Srai K, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Measles virus inductionof human endothelial cell tissue factor procoagulant activity in vitroJournal of General Virology1994; 75: 2863-2871.

  1. HamiltonMI, Wakefield AJ. Inflammatory boweldisease. Recent Advances in Gastroenterology. Vol.10 Ed. RE Pounder.Churchill Livingstone. London 1994. Vol. 10 9.pp 161-180.
  2. ThompsonNP, Wakefield AJ. Infective agents-Vascular factors Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Ed. Allan RN, KeighleyMRB, Rhodes J. Alexander Williams J. 1994;17:133-142.
  3. EkbomA, Wakefield AJ, Zack M, Adami H-O.Perinatal measles infection and subsequent Crohn's disease. Lancet 1994;344: 508-510.
  4. SawyerrAM, Pottinger BE, Savage CO, Bradley NJ, Hudson M, Wakefield AJ,Pearson JD, Pounder RE. Serum immunoglobulin Greactive with endothelial cells in inflammatory bowel disease. DigestiveDiseases & Sciences 1994; 39: 1909-1917.
  5. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Sim R, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Dexamethasone promotes ulcer plugging in experimental enteritis. AlimentaryPharmacol & Therapeutics 1994; 8: 597-602.
  6. SmithM, Wakefield AJ. Crohn's disease:ancient and modern. Invited article. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine.1994; 70: 149-153.
  7. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Sim R, Nygård G, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Ulceration, fibrosis and diaphragm-like lesions inthe caecum of rats treated with IndomethacinAlimentary Pharmacology &Therapeutics 1994; 8: 417-424.
  8. Wakefield AJ. The pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. ChronicInflammatory Bowel Disease. Stangë E F (Ed), Kluwer Academic Publishers,London, 1994, pp 22-29.
  9. Wakefield AJ, Hudson M, Pounder RELeukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in Crohn's disease: potential targetsfor mesalazine in Crohn's disease.Advances in Experimental Medicine andBiology 1995. Ed: McGhee JR and Mestecky J. Plenum Press, NewYork:1307-1311.
  10. RayRA, Smith M, Sim R, Nystrom M, Pounder R E, Wakefield AJ. The intracellular polymerase chain reaction for smallCMV genomic sequences within heavily infected cellular sections. Journal ofPathology 1995; 177:171-180.
  11. RayRA, Smith M, Sim R, Bruce I, WakefieldAJIn situ hybridisationdetection of short viral amplicon sequences within cultured cells and bodyfluids after the in situpolymerasechain reaction. Journal of Virological Methods 1995; 52: 247-263.
  12. NygårdG, Hudson M, Mazure G, Anthony A, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJProcoagulant and prothrombotic response of humanendothelium to indomethacin and endotoxin invitro: relevance to non-steroidal inflammatory drug enteropathy.ScandinavianJournal of Gastroenterol. 1995; 30: 25-32.
  13. NygårdG, Anthony A, Khan K, Bounds SV, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Intestinal site-dependent susceptibility to chronicindomethacin in the rat: a morphological and biochemical study. AlimentaryPharmacology & Therapeutics 1995; 9: 403-410.
  14. Wakefield AJ, Ekbom A, Dhillon AP, Pittilo RM,Pounder RE. Crohn's disease: pathogenesis and persistent measles virusinfection. Gastroenterology 1995; 108: 911-916.
  15. ThompsonN, Wakefield AJ, Pounder RE.Inherited disorders of coagulation appears to protect against inflammatorybowel disease. Gastroenterology 1995; 108: 1011-1015.
  16. HamiltonMI, Dick R, Crawford L, Thompson NP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Is proximal demarcation of ulcerative colitisdetermined by the territory of the inferior mesenteric artery? Lancet1995; 345: 688-690.
  17. HamiltonMI, Bradley NJ, Srai SKS, Thrasivoulou C, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Autoimmunity in ulcerative colitis: tropomyosin isnot the major antigenic determinant of the Das monoclonal antibody, 7E12H12. Clinical& Experimental Immunology.1995; 99: 404-411.
  18. ThompsonNP, Wakefield AJ, Pounder RE.Prognosis and prognostic risk factors in inflammatory bowel disease. Specialarticle. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. 1995;1:129-137.
  19. LewinJ, Dhillon AP, Sim R, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Persistent measles virus infection of the intestine: confirmation byimmunogold electron microscopy. Rapid publication. Gut 1995; 36: 564-569.
  20. ThompsonNP, Montgomery SM, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Is measles vaccination a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease? Lancet1995; 345: 1071-1074.
  21. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Thrasivoulou C, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Pre-ulcerative villus contraction and microvascular occlusion inducedby indomethacin in the rat jejunum: a detailed morphological study. AlimentaryPharmacology & Therapeutics. 1995;9:605-613.
  22. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Fidler H, McFadden JJ, Billington O, Nygård G, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. Mycobacterial granulomatousinflammation in the ulcerated caecum of indomethacin-treated rats. InternationalJournal of Experimental Pathology. 1995; 76: 149-155.
  23. SmithMS, Warren BF, Fox JD, Watkins PE, Hudson M, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Detection of herpesvirus DNA in cotton-top tamarins:no association with colitis.International Journal of Experimental Pathology.1995;76:201-203.
  24. SawyerrAM, Smith MS, Hall A, Hudson M, Hay CR, WakefieldAJ, Brook MG, Tomura H, Pounder RE. Serum concentrations of von Willebrandfactor and soluble thrombomodulin indicate alteration of endothelial functionin inflammatory bowel diseases. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 1995;40: 793-799.
  25. Wakefield AJ. Vasculitis and Crohn's disease: anovel and debated concept.Research and Clinical Forums. 1995; 17: 53-56.
  26. Wakefield AJ. Crohn's disease - the pathogenesis ofa granulomatous vasculitis: A hypothesis. Canadian Journal ofGastroenterology 1995; 9: 199-202.
  27. RayR, Cooper PJ, Wakefield AJ. The eraof intracellular nucleic acid technology.Biotechnology. 1995; 13:445-447.
  28. ThompsonNP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Perinataland childhood risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease: a case-controlstudy. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 1995; 7:385-390
  29. Wakefield AJ, Pounder RE. Measles virus in Crohn'sdisease (letter). Lancet1995;345;660.
  30. AnthonyA, Sim R, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Gastric mucosal contraction and vascular injury induced by indomethacinprecede neutrophil infiltration in the rat.Gut 1996; 39: 363-368.
  31. EkbomA, Daszak PS, Kraaz W, Wakefield AJ.Crohn's disease following measles virus exposure in utero: risk estimates and clinical characteristics. Lancet1996; 344: 508-509.
  32. RayR, Cooper PJ, Sim R, Chadwick N, Earle P, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Direct in situ reverse transcriptase polymerasechain reaction for detection of measles virus. Journal of VirologicalMethods 1996;60:1-17.
  33. AnthonyA, Bahl A, Oakley IG, Spraggs CF, Dhillon AP, Trevethick MA, Piasecki C,Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. The beta-3adrenoceptor agonist CL316243 prevents indomethacin-induced jejunal ulcerationin the rat by reversing early villous shortening.Journal of Pathology1996:179:340-346.
  34. HudsonM, Chitolie A, Hutton RA, Smith MS, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Thrombotic vascular risk factors in inflammatorybowel disease. Gut 1996;38:733-737.
  35. RayR, Sim R, Khan K, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Direct in situ nucleic acidamplification: control of artifact and use of labelled primers. ClinicalMolecular Pathology 1996; 49: 345-350.
  36. ThompsonN, Driscoll R, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Genetics versus environment in inflammatory bowel disease: results of aBritish twin study. British Medical Journal1996; 312: 95-96.
  37. ThompsonNP, Fleming DM, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Crohn's disease, measles and measles vaccination: a case-controlfailure (letter). Lancet 1996;347:263.
  38. WalmsleyRS, Zhao MH, Hamilton MI, Brownlee A, Chapman P, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ, Lockwood CM.Antineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies against bactericidal/permeability increasingprotein in inflammatory bowel disease. Gut1997;40:105-109.
  39. DaszakP, Purcell M, Lewin J, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Detection and comparative analysis of persistentmeasles virus infection in Crohn's disease by immunogold electron microscopy. Journalof Clinical Pathology 1997;50:299-304.
  40. Wakefield AJ, Sim R, Akbar AN, Pounder RE, DhillonAP. In situ immune responses inCrohn's disease: a comparison with acute and persistent measles virusinfection.Journal of Medical Virology. 1997;51:90-100.
  41. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Ulceration of the ileum in Crohn’s disease: correlation with vascularanatomy. Journal of Clinical Pathology.1997;50:1013-1017.
  42. AnthonyA, Pounder RE, Dhillon AP, Wakefield AJ.Vascular anatomy defines sites of indomethacin-induced jejunal ulceration alongthe mesenteric margin. Gut1997;41:763-770.
  43. MontgomerySM & Wakefield AJ. Measlesvaccine and neurological events. Lancet1997; 349: 1625 (letter)
  44. MontgomerySM, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Infantmortality and the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease. Lancet 1997;349: 472-473.
  45. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Measles vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease (letter). Lancet1997;350:1774.
  46. TiwanaH, Wilson C, Walmsley RS, Wakefield AJ,Smith MSH, Cox NL, Hudson MJ, Ebringer A. Antibody responses to gut bacteria inankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and ulcerativecolitis. Rheumatology International. 1997; 17: 11-16.
  47. Wakefield AJ, Murch SH, Anthony A, Linnell J, CassonDM, Malik M, Berelowitz M, Dhillon AP, Thomson MA, Harvey P, Valentine A,Davies SE, Walker-Smith JA. Ileal lymphoid nodular hyperplasia, non-specificcolitis and pervasive developmental disorder in children. Lancet1998;351:637-641 (Retracted: applied for reinstatement).
  48. KellyDA, Piasecki C, Anthony A, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Focal reduction of villous blood flow in earlyindomethacin enteropathy: a dynamic vascular study in the rat. Gut1998;42:366-373.
  49. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Thompson NP, Subhani J, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in British26-year olds. British Medical Journal 1998;7137:1058-1059.
  50. BalzolaF, Khan K, Pera, A, Bonino F, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Measles IgM immunoreactivity in patients inflammatory bowel disease. ItalianJournal of Gastroenterol. 1998;30:4,378-382.
  51. TiwanaH, Walmsley RS, Wilson C, Yiannakou JY, Ciclitira PJ, Wakefield AJ, Ebringer A. Characterisation of the Humoral ImmuneResponse to Klebsiella Species inInflammatory Bowel Disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis. British Journal ofRheumatology. 1998:37;525-531.
  52. AnthonyA, Schepelmann S, Guillaume J-L, Strosberg AD, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. Localisation of the beta3-adrenoceptorin the human gastrointestinal tract: an immunohistochemical study. AlimentaryPharmacology & Therapeutics.1998;12:579-526.
  53. ChadwickN, Bruce I, Davies M, van Gemen B, Schukkink R, Khan K, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. A sensitive and robustmethod for measles RNA detection. Journal of Virological Methods.1998,70:59-67.
  54. ChadwickN, Bruce IJ, Schepelmann S, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Measles virus RNA is not detected in inflammatory bowel disease usinghybrid capture and reverse transcription followed by the polymerase chainreaction. Journal of Medical Virology, 1998;55:305-311.
  55. WalmsleyRS, Anthony A, Sim R, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Absence of E. Coli, Listeria and Klebsiella pneumoniae withininflammatory bowel disease tissues. Journal of Clinical Pathology.1998;51:657-661.
  56. KellyD, Piaseki C, Anthony, A, Dhillon AP, Ponder RE, Wakefield AJ. Reversal and protection against indomethacin-inducedblood stasis and mucosal damage in the rat jejunum by a B-3 adrenoceptoragonist. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.1998; 12:1121-1129.
  57. Wakefield AJ & Montgomery SM. Crohn’s disease:the case for measles virus (Invited article) Italian Journal ofGastroenterology 1999;31:247-254.
  58. ChadwickN, Wakefield AJ, Pounder RE, BruceI. A comparison of three nucleic acid amplification methods as a source for DNAsequencing. BioTechniques 1998;25:818-822.
  59. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Paramyxivorus infections in childhood and subsequent inflammatory boweldisease. Gastroenterology1999;116:796-803.
  60. TompsonNP, Fleming DM, Charlton J, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Patients Consulting with Crohn's disease in primary care in England andWales. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology.1998;10:1007-1012.
  61. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.The colonic mesenteric margin is most susceptible to injury in an experimentalmodel of colonic ulceration. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 1999;13:531-535.
  62. AnthonyA, Sim R, Pounder RE, Dhillon AP, WakefieldAJ. Similarities between Crohn's disease and indomethacin experimentalulcers in the rat. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therpeutics.2000;14:241-24.
  63. MontgomerySM, Twamley SI, Murch SH, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ Contact with soil in infancy does not protect against atopy. ImmunologyToday 1999;20:289-290.
  64. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Asian ethnic origin and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. European.Journalof Gastroenterology and Hepatology.1999;11:543-546.
  65. MontgomerySM, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Smoking in adults and passive smoking in children are associated with acuteappendicitis. Lancet 1999;353:379.
  66. MontgomerySM, Wakefield AJ, Morris DL, PounderRE, Murch SH. The initial care of newborn infants and subsequent hay fever. Allergy.2000;;55:916-22.
  67. Orteu CH, McGregor JM, Whittaker SJ, Balzola F, Wakefield AJ. Erythema elevatum diutinum and Crohndisease: a common pathogenic role for measles virus? Arch Dermatol.1996;32:1523-5.
  68. Wakefield AJ, Anthony A, Murch SH, Thomson M,Montgomery SM, Davies S, Walker-Smith JA. Enterocolitis in children withdevelopmental disorder. American Journal of Gastroenterology2000;95:2285-2295 (Retracted: applied for reinstatement).
  69. FurlanoRI, Anthony A, Day R, Brown A, McGavery L, Thomson MA, Davies SE, Berelowitz M,Forbes A, Wakefield AJ, Walker-SmithJA, Murch SH. Colonic CD8 and gamma delta T-cell infiltration with epithelialdamage in children with autism. Journal of Pediatrics 2001;138:366-72.
  70. Wakefield AJ and Montgomery SM. Autism, viralinfection and measles mumps rubella vaccination. Israeli Medical AssociationJournal 1999;1:183-187.
  71. DunnAC, Walmsley RS, Dedrick RL, WakefieldAJ, Lockwood CM. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA) tobactericidal/permeability-increasing (BPI) protein recognize the carboxylterminal domain. Journal of Infection. 1999;39:81-7.
  72. Thompson NP., Montgomery SM., Wadsworth MEJ., Pounder RE., Wakefield AJ.Early determinants ofinflammatory bowel disease: use of two longitudinal birth cohorts. EuropeanJournal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2000;12:25-30.
  73. Kawashima H., Takayuki M., Kashiwagi Y., Takekuma K., Hoshika A., Wakefield AJ. Detection and sequencingof measles virus from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients withinflammatory bowel disease and autism. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 2000;45:723-729.
  74. Wakefield AJ and Montgomery SM. Measles, mumps,rubella vaccine: through a glass, darkly. Adverse Drug Reactions &Toxicological Reviews 2000;19:265-283.
  75. MorrisDL, Montgomery SM, Galloway ML, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. Inflammatory bowel disease and laterality: is left handednessa risk? Gut. 2001;49:199-202.
  76. Wakefield AJ,Montgomery SM. Immunohistochemical analysis of measles related antigen inInflammatory bowel disease. Gut. 2001;48:136-7.
  77. Morris DL,Montgomery SM, Thompson NP, Ebrahim S, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Measles vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease: anational British Cohort Study.American Journal of Gastroenterology.2000;95:3507-12.
  78. O'Leary JJ,Uhlmann V, Wakefield AJ. Measlesvirus and autism. Lancet.2000;356:772 (letter).
  79. Wakefield AJ,Montgomery SM. Measles virus as a risk for inflammatory bowel disease: anunusually tolerant approach. American Journal of Gastroenterology.2000;95:1389-92. (Editorial).
  80. Anthony A, SimR, Guillaume JL, Strosberg AD, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Beta (beta)3-adrenergic receptors in human pancreaticislet and duodenal somatostatin neuroendocrine cells. AlimentaryPharmacology and Therapeutics. 2000;14:579-8.
  81. Kelly D, AnthonyA, Piasecki C, Lewin J, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Endothelial changes precede mucosal ulceration induced by indomethacin:an experimental study in the rat. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.2000;14:489-96.
  82. Wakefield AJ.MMR vaccination and autism. Lancet. 1999;354:949-50 (letter).
  83. Wakefield AJ.The New Autism (Invited Article) Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry  2002;7:518-528.
  84. UhlmannV., Martin C, Shiels, Wakefield AJ,O.Leary JJ. Possible viral pathogenesis of a novel paediatric inflammatory boweldisease. Molecular Pathology 2002;55:84-90.
  85. Wakefield AJ.,Puleston J. Montgomery SM., Anthony A., O’Leary J.J., Murch SH Entero-colonicencephalopathy, autism and opioid receptor ligands. Alimentary Pharmacology& Therapeutics. 2002;16:663-674.
  86. Torrente F.,Machado N., Perez-Machado M., Furlano R., Thomson M., Davies S.,Wakefield AJ, Walker-Smith JA, MurchSH. Enteropathy with T cell infiltration and epithelial IgG deposition inautismMolecular Psychiatry.2002;7:375-382.
  87. Montgomery SM,Wakefield AJ, Ekbom A. Pertussisinfection in childhood and type I diabetes 2002 Diabet. Med. 2002;19:986–993.
  88. MontgomerySM., Lambe M., Wakefield AJ.,Pounder RE., Ekbom A. Siblings and the risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. ScandinavianJournal of Gastroenterology2002;37:1301-1308.
  89. Wakefield AJ.The Gut-Brain Axis in Childhood developmental Disorders. Journal ofPediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2002;34:S14-S17.
  90. Wakefield AJ. Entero-colitis,Autism and Measles Virus. Consensus in Child Neurology. 2002;6:74-77.
  91. AshwoodP, Anthony A, Pellicer AA, Torrente F, WakefieldAJ. Intestinal lymphocyte populations in children with regressive autism:Evidence for extensive mucosal immunopathology. Journal of ClinicalImmunology, 2003;23:504-517. 
  92. Wakefield AJ. Enterocolitis, autism and measlesvirus. Molecular Psychiatry. 2002;7:S44-46
  93. Ashwood P, Anthony A, Torrente F, Wakefield AJ., Spontaneous mucosallymphocyte cytokine profiles in children with regressive autism andgastrointestinal symptoms: Mucosal immune activation and reduced counterregulatory interleukin-10. Journal of Clinical Immunology.2004:24:664-673. 
  94. Anthony A, Ashwood P., Wakefield AJ. The significance ofileo-colonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in children with autistic spectrumdisorder. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2005 Aug;17(8):827-36.
  95. BradstreetJJ, ,El Dahr J., Anthony A., Kartzinel J., WakefieldAJ, Detection of Measles Virus Genomic RNA in Cerebrospinal Fluid ofChildren with Regressive Autism: a Report of Three Cases   Journal ofAmerican Physicians and Surgeons. 2004.9:39-45.
  96. StottC., Blaxill M., Wakefield AJ. MMR and Autism in Perspective:the Denmark Story.Journalof American Physicians and Surgeons 2004;9:89-91.
  97. The Gut-Brain Axisin Childhood Developmental Disorders: Viruses and Vaccines.Wakefield AJ., Collins I., Ashwood P.  Invited chapter in Infectious Disease andNeuropsychiatric Disorders Chapter 21, pp 198-206
  98. AshwoodP, Wakefield AJ. Ileal andperipheral blood CD3+ cytokine profiles in children with regressive autism andgastrointestinal symptoms: Mucosal immune activation and reduced counterregulatoryinterleukin-10. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 2006 ;73:126-34.
  99. Wakefield AJ., Stott C., Limb K. Gastrointestinal co-morbidity,autistic regression and Measles-containing vaccines: positive re-challenge andbiological gradient effects.Medical Veritas2006;3:796-802
  100. Wakefield AJ. The significance ofileocolonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in children with autistic spectrumdisorder. (letter) Eur J Gastro Hep 2006;18:571-574.
  101. Wakefield AJ. Autistic enterocolitis: is it ahistopathological entity? Histopathology 2006;50:380-384.
  102. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Anti-PR3 and Anti-MPO IgG ANCA in Autistic Children With Chronic GI Disease. Immunologyand Immunogenetics Insights 2009:2:21-28.
  103. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield A. Lowserum alpha-1 antitrypsin associated with anti-PR-3 ANCA in autistic childrenwith GI disease. - Genomics Insights, 2009 2009;2:1–9.
  104. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Decreased Serum Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) in Autistic Children with SevereGastrointestinal Disease. Biomarker Insights. 2009; 4: 181–190.
  105. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Generalized Autoimmunity of ANCA and ASCA Related to Severity of Disease inAutistic Children with GI Disease. Immunology and Immunogenetics Insights2009:1 37–47.
  106. Wakefield AJ.Callous Disregard. Autism and Vaccines – The Truth Behind a Tragedy. New York(2010) Skyhorse Publishing.
  107. Wakefield AJ.Waging war on the Autistic Child. The Arizona 5 and the Legacy of Baron vonMunchausen. New York (2012) Skyhorse Publishing.
  108. Russo AJ,Krigsman, A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Low serum myeloperoxidase in autistic children with gastro-intestinal disease.Clin Exp Gastroenterol. 2009; 2:85-94.
  109. Wakefield AJ,Blaxill M, Haley B, Ryland A, Hollenbeck D, Johnson J, Moody J, Stott C. Response to Dr. Ari Brown and The Immunization Action Coalition. Medical Veritas6 2009; 6: 1907–1924 

Again, how surprised are you with this long list? 

Until next time,
